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"Wanna explain what happened?" Minho asked. Both him and Jisung was awake, and had been for a while. They had just cuddled, and looked at each other for about an hour, until Minho had decided to finally break the silence.
"His name is Daniel. And we used to date. But then he did something horrible. And i moved away and swore to never love someone ever again." Jisung's explanation was vague.
"Did he cheat on you?" Minho asked, wanting to get to the real source of his boyfriend's hurting.
"No, at least i don't think so... One day he just became really mentally abusive, and i didn't understand why. It was all fun and games, until he just started to tell me how little i was worth, and how he hated to be around me, but the next second say he loved me, and tell me how perfect i was, and all of that shit. He sent out so many mixed signals, and i was so confused, and it just hurt. I finally managed to get myself out of the situation, and my family moved away from where we used to live." Jisung was crying as he spoke. And Minho hugged him closer to his body. hearing what the younger had been through made him not only enraged, but also so so sad.

"I'm sorry. He's a fucking dick, and i'm gonna put him on fire." Minho croaked out, breathing in the scent of the younger's hair.
"Please don't." Jisung sniffled. Minho could hear the faint smile on his lips, and decided that his job today, was to make him happier.

"Wanna go out and explore? It's kinda really beautiful." Minho pulled away from the younger, looking out of the window.
Norway was pretty in the daylight. The whole city was covered in snow, and the people outside looked more than happy about it. 
"Are we allowed to just leave?" Jisung looked out of the window too. His eyes was glittering, out of both excitement and tears.
"Absolutely not... Let's go."
"We're gonna get in so much trouble." Jisung giggled, standing up, and walking closer to the window.
"I don't look for trouble but trouble looks form me~" Minho sung
"And it's been waiting around corners since i was seventeen~" Jisung continued.


So you guys, I've finally found the prettiest pictures ever, and i'm honestly so sad rn...

So you guys, I've finally found the prettiest pictures ever, and i'm honestly so sad rn

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