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"What the fuck did you just say?" Minho spun around, staring at the group of friends with nasty mouths.
"I said, i think it's disgusting to like someone that's the same gender." The "main" Guy crossed his arms, and stepped forwards.
"Minho, just ignore him." Jisung whined, tugging on the older's sleeve. Minho just ignored him, and stepped closer to the guy.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?! Do you really think you have any valid points on that? I can love whoever the fuck i want to love, and i don't see how that is affecting you!" Minho screamed.
"It's fucking disgusting! There's a reason gay people can't get kids!" The guy scoffed.
"And now there's a reason I'm getting in trouble." Minho mumbled before throwing a punch straight at the guy's face.

"Oh my god Jongbin! Are you ok?!" One of the girls watching ran up to the guy. Jongbin was holding his nose, it was bleeding violently.
"Normally i would have been mad about that, but let's just get the fuck away before a teacher comes." Jisung huffed, before dragging his aggravated boyfriend away from the nasty scene, out to the front of the school.

"Are you crazy?! You're gonna get expelled!" Jisung hit Minho in the arm.
"Whatever. He deserved it." Minho huffed, looking down on the ground.
"It doesn't matter if he deserved it or not! You should never use violence to resolve a argument." Jisung argued.
"That's fucking stupid. Maybe i hit some sense into him..." Minho chuckled.
"I'm fucking serious Minho! I don't wanna be with someone violent!" Jisung crossed his arms over his chest.
"He deserved it Jisung!" Minho looked at his boyfriend frustrated.
"Nobody deserves that! Not even the worst people in the world! And if you can't see that, i guess i have to cut this relationship short!" Jisung screamed before he stomped away, tears in his eyes.

Short chapter, SORRY!!~~

Oral fixation // MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now