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*Kayli's POV*

" Kayli. Gavin, Avia, Emmi and Brock are coming over. Colette is really sick so me and Shay will watch the kids here so you can go over to her and help her with Daxton ok? " Casey said. " oh ok " i said back. And i left the room because Winston was crying.
//Shay and Colette's house//
" Hi hun. How are you doing" I asked Colette. I sat down beside her bed while she was just laying there. " I have just been puking all day long " she said. Poor her. " aww. Well I put Daxton and Winston to sleep so i will go make some soup for you alright " I said while stroking her hair. " thanks Kayli. What would i do without you " she said before she ran off to the bathroom and threw up. I was just rubbing her back.

" Colette, the soup is done " I said. She slowly got up form the bed. We both went to the living room. She drank the soup. " thank you so much Kayli " she said. " no problem. What wouldn't i do for you " I replied. All of a sudden Colette put her hand on her chest and closed her eyes like she was in pain. " Colette are you okay? " I asked. " yeah, i just have a heartburn " she said. What if Colette is pregnant AGAIN. " Colette, honey. I think you might be pregnant. " i said. " oh no no. I can't be " she said. " well, when was your last period " I asked her. " i think like one and a half..." Her eyes got bigger. " take a pregnancy test then. I'll go buy you one " I said. " thanks Kayli. Take the van. The keys are in my room. " she said.

*Colette's POV*

What if I really am pregnant? How will Shay react? I didn't get to think any longer before all the soup got up.

*Shay's POV*

So we were just sitting in the living room. Just chilling. " Man, this baby is killing me. No sleep " Casey said while rubbing his eyes. " welcome to the club again buddy " I said. Daxton isn't in that faze anymore. Very happy about that. " Daxton doesn't do that anymore. It has been the best month this whole year. So glad I don't have to experience that again. " I said taking off my hat. " so you and Colette are done having kids " Casey said. " I don't know man...i don't know " I said.

*Kayli's POV*

Colette was now in the bathroom. And now I was just waiting for her. Eventually after a long time she came out. She just looked at me. " Are you? " I said. I couldn't wait anymore. She just nodded. I went up to her. " Colette, this is going to be fine " I said while giving her a hug. She was just crying. I could tell she didn't want me to go. Not now. We sat down at the couch. " do you want to talk about it " I asked her. There was tears falling down from her eyes. " this wasn't planned Kayli " she said while more tears just ran down form her eyes. I wiped away the tears. " Honey. You know. Think about all the women that are not able to get pregnant. For them this is a blessing. And you should think like that to. And I know you can do this, because you already did this five times and it turned out wonderful. You are strong Colette, and I believe in you " I said. " Thank you so much Kayli " she said before giving me a hug. Then Shay and the kids got home. The kids didn't even look at us. They just ran up to their rooms.

*Shay's POV*

I opened the door and there was Colette in tears hugging Kayli. " Colette. Babe, are you okay " I ran over to her. " yeah I'm fine " she said. " I guess I better leave now " Kayli said and picked up Winston and so gave me and Colette a hug. She closed the door. " Colette, I can tell something isn't right. Come on tell me. " I said looking at her. " Everything is fine. Now, I am just going to take a shower. " she said and just left me. What's going on? Why was she acting like this? I decided to call Kayli. Obviously she knew what was going on. " Hi uncle Shay " Brailee picked up the phone. " Hi sweetie. Is mommy there " I said. " oh yeah she is right here. I am going to give the phone to her. Bye uncle Shay " she said " bye! Love you " i said. I was really stressed out. " Hello " Kayli said. " hey, Kayli. It's Shay. Listen. What happened to Colette. When you left she just wouldn't talk. " I said desperate. " oh wait Winston is crying. I have to feed him. Call you later. Bye " she said stressed out and hanged up. Kayli definitely knew what was going on. Kayli is a terrible liar.

*Colette's POV*

I am pregnant. 6 kids. Can I do this? I mean like I just had Daxton. He is almost 1. The biggest thing. How will Shay and the kids react. I can't do this. I just stood there in the shower crying. And suddenly somebody was knocking on the door. " Colette honey, are you alright. I think I heard someone crying " Shay said. " Yeah I am fine. Everything is fine here. " I said wiping my tears. He left. How am I going to tell him.

*Shay's POV*

Colette came out from the bathroom. She didn't even look at me. She just went to daxton's room. She put him to sleep and went back to her room. I followed her. " Colette, why are you acting like this. Come on, please tell me " I said. " it's nothing. Now I'm tired so i am going to bed " she said and left. What the heck is going on. That night I could hear Colette crying her self to sleep.

Hey, guys! It's the writer of this story here.I just wanted to know your guys opinion of this story ;) should I continue with it? Comment and vote💋

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