Chapter 4

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Steve's POV

While we were walking to the movies I noticed that's Soda was very quiet the whole walk there, he barely talked at all. It worried me because usually he would be the one that was always talking and make conversation. He kept looking down at his feet when he walked and he looked kind of sad. I decided that I'll ask him after the movie because I didn't want to put Soda in an even sadder mood than he already was.

We finally arrived at the movie and all of us decide to sit in the very back because nobody usually sat there and we weren't looking for a fight. When we sat down and Two-bit went go by all of us popcorn and drinks.

While we were waiting for Two-bit to get back it's was very quiet so I tried to spark up a conversation.

"Hey Soda, why are you so quiet?"

"H-huh.....o-oh sorry I'm just thinkin is all..."

"Whatcha thinking about?"


"Well what kinda things?"

"I don't really wanna talk about it right now..."

"Alright but we're going to talk about it later, ok?"


After we talk Two-bit came back with the popcorn and drinks and the movie started. All of us were very quiet throughout the movie and we barely said a word. Eventually the movie ended and we all get up from our seats and start heading home. While walking home Two-bit and I talk a little but that was all. Eventually we got to the Curtis's house but Two-bit went home before we got there. When we walked in Darry was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper and Pony was sitting at the kitchen table doing homework with Johnny.

"You stayin the night Steve?" Soda asks

"Maybe, hey can we talk?" I say that second thing quietly so only Soda could here me

"Sure......" he says back

"Let's go to your room." I say as I take a hold of his hand, pull him to his room, and sit down on the bed

"What did you wanna talk about?" Soda asks

"I was wonderin if your okay because you were really quiet while we were at the movies." I tell him

"I don't feel like talkin right now. I just wanna lay down." Soda said annoyed

"Come on can you please tell me Soda? I'm worried about you and you're not acting like your normal self." I said concerned

"What am I not allowed to act different now, is there a law or somthin!!!" Soda yells

"No Soda come on man I just wanna know what's wrong!!!" I yell back

"Well I don't wanna tell you!!!" Soda yells and his eyes start to water

"Why not!!!"

"B-because....l-" but before soda could finish his sentence he started crying and then Pony ran in

"Soda?" Pony says as he went over to Soda and wiped his tears away

"Hey what happened Soda?" Pony asks, Soda only kept crying and didn't say a word.

"Steve what happened?" Pony asks

"We were arguing because I wanted to know if he was ok or not and he wouldn't tell me so we started yelling at each other and then he just started crying." I tell Pony

Pony looked away from me to look at Soda and hugged him tightly. I decided to leave the Curtis's before I made anything even worse than I already did. On my way out I started to cry and out of the corner of my eye I saw Darry and Johnny staring at me right before I shut the door.

I'm sorry that this chapter took so long to write, I've been busy with school and things like that but I'll promise to be more active. The word count for this chapter not counting this authors note is 610. Anyways I'll see ya next chapter, bye!! •10/20/18•

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