Chapter 11

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Steve's POV

A couple days pass and I'm out of the hospital. Soda and I were suppose to go to work today but we decided not to. Soda and I are sitting in his room just talking like we usually do, but this time it was about something serious. We were trying to decide when and who we were going to tell about our relationship. The only person that knew was Two-Bit.

"The only person that I'm really worried about telling is Darry." Soda said, "I don't think he'll like that I'm dating a guy." He frowned

"What's the worse thing that could happen? I mean he's your brother, your family, I don't think anything too bad would happen." I said back

"I mean you could be right but he should definitely be the last person that we tell about this."

"It's fine with me." I smile at him

"Ok so after Ponyboy and Johnny get home we'll tell them?"

"Sounds like a plan to me."

Time passes by quickly while we wait for them to get home and Soda just keeps get more worried as the time goes on.

I put my hand on his shoulder and say, "Everything is gonna be fine, ok?"

He sighs, "Ok...."

They finally walk through the door and put their bags down. Soda and I walk over to them.

"Hey y'all, how was school?" I ask

"It was fine Steve, why are you wondering?" Pony says back confused

"Can't I just ask how your day was without a reason?"

"No, you never do that. Something is up with you two."

"Yeah, yeah you're right." Soda says quickly

"So......what is it? What's....up?" Pony asks while Johnny nods his head also wondering what was going on

"Well ya see......." Soda says slowly while looking at me not really knowing what to say

"Me and him are dating." I say bluntly while pointing to Soda

"Ok, was that it?" Pony asks

"Yeah pretty much." I say

"Ok well then I'm gonna get something to eat. You want something Johnnycakes?" Pony asks

"Yeah I'll come with you to the kitchen." Johnny replies to him while walking with Pony to the kitchen

"Well that was easier than I thought." Soda says with relief

"See, I told you everything was gonna be alright." I say to him

He nods in response.

All I do is hug him because he looked adorable and I couldn't resist.

About an hour later Darry gets home and that's when Soda really got anxious. Soda, Johnny, Pony and I were all in the living room watching tv and talking about nothing when Darry walked in. Earlier that day we had told Pony and Johnny that we were planning on telling Darry and that Two-Bit already knew about us, so they both knew why Soda was so anxious.

"Hey Darry." Soda says

"Hey Soda, how was work?" He asks

"Uhh....I didn't go....."

"What? Why?"

"Well um...I didn't fell like it." Soda says worriedly

"That's not how it works Soda, you can't just decide that you don't want to go to work because you don't feel like it. You go to work so that you can make money so that we can still have this house and food to eat and clothes to wear." Darry responded angrily

"But I only missed one day so it's fine."

"You've mossed way more than just one day these passed couple of weeks Sodapop."

"I'm sorry Darry....."

"Sorry doesn't cut it in the real world Soda."

"I know...."

Darry just stands there tapping his foot

"Hey u-uhh since your here there is something that I wanted to tell you..." Soda says, he started to shake now

"Now what is it?" Darry is annoyed at this point

"O-oh it's nothing, nothing at all right Soda?" I say

"Oh y-yeah it's nothing Darry." Soda goes along with what I said

"Are you sure because if you got something to say just say it now." Darry says

"U-umm..." I say as I look at Soda not sure how to respond.

Maybe we should tell Darry I mean he's already in a bad mood how worse could it get? I think to myself.

"Ok, do you really wanna know?" I ask

"Yes I would like to know what you won't tell me." He says irritated

"Do you want to tell him Soda and do you want me to tell him?" I ask

"I can tell him, it's fine." He says

"I'm waiting." Darry interrupts

"Okay well umm.....Steve and I are uh we're sort of in a relationship....." Soda tells Darry

"Ok um everybody can you leave the room I need to talk to Sodapop alone?" Darry asks sternly

We all leave the room because when Darry asks something when he's mad we all do it because he would blow up on us if we didn't.

Soda's POV

I watch as everyone but Darry and I leave the room. At this point I'm scared and shaking because I don't know what's about to happen. Darry turns to me slowly.

"Soda you need to leave this house right now." He says calmly but barely keeping his cool

"Why? Am I doing something wrong? All I'm doing is following my heart, it's not my fault that I like boys!" I say defensively

Darry quickly slapped me really hard in the face. I could my face starting to tingle.

"Liking boys is wrong, something is wrong with you! YOU'RE NOT NORMAL SODA!! SO YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF MY HOUSE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I MAKE YOU!!!" Darry screamed at me

"FUCK YOU, YOU SON OF A BITCH!!! I KNEW YOU WOULD NEVER EXCEPT ME!!!" I screamed right back as I ran out of the front door

(Wow I'm noticing a pattern 😂)

Steve's POV

I heard everything that happened from the other room and then I heard to front door slam. I quickly ran outside because I knew that was Soda who left. I ran as fast as I could to catch up to him. I caught up with him because he stopped and sat down at some random bench.

"Shit" Soda says under his breath

I sit down next to him and put my arms around him and hug him.

"I screwed up Stevie." He says as he cries

"No you didn't. You had no idea how he was gonna react, you didn't screw up." I tell him to try and make him feel better

"I just- I don't know what to do Steve, I have nowhere to go, I got kicked out." He says while he puts his head on my shoulder

"You could come to my house, my parents are never there anyways." I tell him

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah I'm sure baby."

I wait a couple minutes, "Do you wanna go to my place now?", I ask

He nods his head in response.

We both get up and start heading to my place because it was pretty late and we were getting really tired.

Guys I freaking did it, I posted a new chapter!
I'm sorry that it took me a while but I did it. A lot has happened in my life and it's just been hard to write lately. I lost a friendship with a close friend of mine which sucks ass but what can you do. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I hope you look forward to the next one. Bye!!! ~💛

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