point three.

18 7 0

The room was filled with awkward silence for about 15 minutes already. There was me who was casually eating a slice of pie, the girl who already seems to be not at ease, and the conversation that seemed to lag.

She should be leaving right now.

"Atleast touch your tea. You wanted it, right?"

She quietly sipped her tea and suddenly stopped. "What's in this thing?"

"Blueberries and mint. You don't like it?"

"No... no, it's actually great."

I took another slice of pie for myself and ate it. Her slice was left untouched for a while now. Was it because of something I said?

She stared only stared at the cup. "Listen. Answer my question and I'll leave in an instant," she said.


She set down the cup and looked me in the eyes. "Why do you consider it as a curse?"

"Having clairvoyance would have been nice if I never had to pay for it. I never really wanted it in the first place."

"I don't really see your point there but I guess that's fine," she said as she stood up.

She took the empty basket and her smile grew wider.

"Why did you even come back here? Did you just want to ask me about that?" I asked out of curiosity.

"You have clairvoyance. Why not guess then?"

I furrowed my eyebrows as a response to her suggestion. She giggled a bit and did the 'go' gesture with her hand. I sighed and closed my eyes to concentrate.

The nearest future possible.

Fifteen minutes... Ten minutes... Five minutes...

One minute.


"That's right."

I opened my eyes and stared at hers who seemed to be shy yet cheerful.

"Ocean blue."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Ocean blue," she softly said and smiled. "Your eyes are glowing. It gives off an ocean blue glow."

She looked at me again. "It's beautiful."

My chest felt lighter than usual and my body seemed to have that giddy feeling. What do you call this emotion?

Well, whatever it is... it's probably bad.

"You did say to thank you later after that moment, did you not? That's exactly what I did right now. Since you didn't get to ask, I assure you that this apple pie is cinnamon-free. I recall that you told me that you were allergic to cinnamon so I decided to make an apple pie without that spice," she explained.

She has a sharp memory. It must be her unique ability. Although, that isn't important now.

I took a quick glance at the clock and reverted my gaze back to her. She has to leave now.

"Finish up now. Staying in a stranger's house is unsafe, you know," I said.

She sipped the remaining amount of tea and stood up, "Well then."

She offered me her hand right in front of me. "I'm Irish. What's your name?"

It didn't take me a while to figure out what was going on. My heart pounded louder although I didn't know why.


She smiled and took my hand just to exchange a handshake. "Great. We're not strangers anymore. I'll be coming here often... but for now, I'll have to go home," she said.

I escorted her to the front door and she wore a playful look.

"Are you really going to bid me good bye with that face? Stop with the gloomy look and smile!"

Unconsciously, a small chuckle escaped my lips.

"There we go! I'll be off then!"

She bid me a good bye and I wove my hand. I found myself smiling until my gaze could no longer follow her.

I immediately cradled my head afterwards. "I think I need more tea."

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