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A/N: My friends keep saying how sad this story is so I decided to add a bonus part. It's a bit short since most of the stuff I planned to write was on "perpendicular." Hope you enjoy~

A few years later...

"Finally!" I said as I wiped off the sweat on my forehead. It was a long and tiring day at the cafe. There were a lot of customers like always.

"Great work everyone! Keep safe and see you all tomorrow!"

Everyone started bidding me good bye one by one until I was the only one left. I decided to leave as soon as I finish packing up my things.

The sun was still up but it won't be long until dusk. I'm closing off early because of a particular event.

For now, I should be going home.

I locked up the shop and started walking home. I had to pass by some shops as I do so.

"Lavender colored roses?" I asked the florist as she started wrapping some in a bouquet. "Yes, they just arrived today. They look lovely, don't they?"

I nodded in agreement. I handed her the payment and took 3 single roses.

With roses in my hand and a basket in the other, I finally reached home. I carefully shut the door as I stepped inside.

I immediately went to the kitchen and started boiling water.

A lot has happened since Cyrus disappeared. His prediction was true. I became a successful owner of a cafe. My secret method in making most of the pastries was not adding cinnamon. I don't know why it tasted better but I've gotten used to baking without it since Cyrus requested it to be left out.

The tea? He left a note on his shelf with all the recipes he had for all the tea he does. He left some ingridients, too.

Since that day, I decided to stay in his house.

I added the tea leaves in the water. The aroma was all over the place. The familiar scent still made me teary but I'm used to it now.

Years have passed yet things stayed the same.

I moved upstairs and stayed at the balcony to set up. I took out the pie from my basket and carefully sliced it with a knife. It's been a while since I ate some.

After gathering plates and a few utensils, I took out the freshly brewed tea and poured some into my cup.

For the final touch, I lit a candle in the center of the table and placed the stalks of roses in a vase.

Everything felt nostalgic. The tea that Cyrus used to do, the pie that I always brought... our everyday routine.

I'm alone now, but that doesn't affect anything.

"I may be gone but my feelings will stay."

Words that he left behind along with his feelings. All I could say is that I miss him.

My gaze trailed up to the sky. It was already dusk. I sipped my cup of tea and whispered words only I could hear,

"Happy anniversary."

It's been years since he proposed. I kept waiting for the time that we would be able to meet again.

I didn't want to leave early because I kept in mind that he would be unhappy. I don't want to rush things. Time will pass anyway, and it's better to live for him.

A gush of wind came and swayed my hair. It was surprisingly soothing. The candle was still lit and some petals flew off. The sky made it a beautiful scene. If only he was here to witness it.

"Lavender roses."

I froze from where I stood. That voice...

Am I hallucinating?

"You really got some taste, Irish."

I turned around and saw a familiar figure standing right in front of me. He was holding the roses I brought.

"They are similar to the color of that dress you wore when we met. They're just as beautiful as you."

He only looked around and his gaze landed back at me who was still processing the turn of events.

"Irish? Is there something wrong?"

I felt tears forming in my eyes. I still couldn't believe what was happening. He's here... he's actually here.



I laughed as tears of joy streamed down my cheeks. "You idiot. You actually came back."

He stepped closer and placed the flower on my ear. "Lavender roses, which meant 'I love you' and a longing for the growth of a relationship. It suits you."

Tears streamed down on my face and he wiped it away.

Longing for a growth of relationship. I think it makes sense now. From the day our paths crossed again to the moment he returned, miraculously. I doubt that this is even reality. If ever this is a dream...

Please don't wake me up.

"You kept the ring," he says while eyeing my hand. A genuine smile registers on his face, and the same happened to mine.

"Of course I did."

He smiled and took both of my hands. "I did promise something, didn't I?"

He knelt down on one knee and I was rendered speechless.

"Will you marry me?"

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