connection one.

17 5 2

"So uhm... Why are you on crutches?"

"I fell down the stairs the other day."

She looked at me from head to toe once more. I only stood there on the side of the door and she continued to inspect my appearance.

"Ya. Are you going in or what? It's hard moving around with these," I complained. It's been 10 minutes since she came yet we're still at the doorway.

"Okay fine... fine! I'm going in."

She took off her shoes and went in the house. "You sure are clumsy," she added.

I furrowed my eyebrows and sat down. I don't want to move that much.

"I'll do the tea this time."

"That's nice but could I ensure that it will be as good as the ones I make?"

"They're going to be better than yours, genius."

I only laughed as a response and she turned away from me. I could only view her from a distance given my condition here.

She carefully took out some tea leaves and a few familiar fruits. My gaze only watched her make some tea. For some reason, I feel uneasy.

I'm supposed to in her place right now. Why am I the one sitting here doing nothing? She's my guest.

What is this feeling called?

I only watched her do the things I always do. My surroundings suddenly felt cold and all I could do was watch her.

"You should be more careful, you know. Especially because you live alone," she scolded as she served the tea in front of me. "I don't know how to heal injuries and you just gave me a reason to practice more."

"Is that last statement a compliment?"


I picked up the cup and the sweet aroma enticed me. Although, the scent seemed too familiar.

"Blueberry and mint?"

She proudly nodded and giggled at my response. I only smiled and sipped a small amount.

"Not bad," I complimented and took another sip.

"I brought pie."

"It seems like you picked up my taste."

Her cheeks turned to a shade of light pink and she took a small bite of her pie. I thought her reaction seemed cute.


I shook the thought off my head and proceeded to eat my slice as well. It seemed weird thinking about that.

We had a small conversation on the table just like we used to. The topic would either be about her family, about how much work she had to do, and my clairvoyance.

"Oh... right. I have to tell you something," she said as she fidgeted her fingers.

"What is it?"

She looked away and I felt confuse for a moment. What does she want to say?

"Please don't push me away after this."

"Why would I?"

"Just promise me we'll still be friends after I say this!"

I sighed and raised my right hand. "Fine, I promise. What is it?"

She took a deep breath and looked me in the eye as I casually sipped my tea.

"I... I like you."

I choked on the drink and drew the cup away from me. She stood up then rushed to my side.

"Oh gosh, are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine. Sorry, I thought I heard you say that you like me."

"Uhm.. I did?"

I kept silent for a moment and she started fidgeting even more. Was I making her uncomfortable?

I glanced at the wall clock. It was already past sunset.

"I think you should go home now. It's getting pretty late."

"Really?" she asked and looked at the clock. "Oh yeah, I really should."

She picked up the basket and I escorted her to the doorway on my crutches. She started avoiding my gaze since she said that.

We stood there for a couple of minutes. The atmosphere was awkward. We only kept silent as if we both lost the ability to talk.

All of the sudden, I felt her swing her arms around me. I am being squeezed... no, I was hugged.

What am I supposed to do?

"Please take care of yourself more, Cyrus," she said as she her gaze finally met mine.

I didn't know how to react.

"Bye now," she let go and stepped away from me. "That was a bit awkward to say, but since you promised that we would still be friends, it doesn't really feel that bad. See you again soon!"

She left without waiting for my response. I only stared at the girl wearing white sleeves and green frills as she walked away.

I immediately shut the door and sat down. My heart skipped a beat after those warm words. It felt like my heart was pounding loud enough for me to hear. For some reason, I'm getting this warm fuzzy sensation in my chest.

What do you call this feeling?

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