point four.

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Months have passed and she kept coming to my house from time to time. She would bring different pastries and I would make us different types of tea. It would already seem like a routine.

"Why don't you ever go out of your house, Cyrus?" she asked while sorting out the spell books I read earlier.

I sighed and brought the tray to the table. "I'm not really feeling well these past few days."

She stopped then eyed at the pile of books. Her expression had a hint of concern and worry.

"You were looking up for healing spells and herbs..."

Most Effective Elixirs. Easy Home Remedies. 10 Spells That For Quick Relief.

Those were just few of the many books I looked up in my small library near the kitchen. I never really knew about any healing spells so I decided to look it up just incase something bad happens when I'm alone. It kept raining nowadays and I'm a bit sensitive to sudden weather changes.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine. Rain isn't what I really look forward to but I'll manage."

She turned to me and raised her voice, "You're not."

The uncomfortable silence filled room for a moment. Irish who, apparently, seemed to be paying attention to every move I made and I who felt uneasy because of that.

"Irish, I'm alright. I wouldn't be doing all this if I'm not feeling well."

"Cyrus... don't lie now. You're not alright."

"But I am."

"Why won't you tell me the truth?! I thought we were friends?!"

"Friends? I'm not supposed to see you since that day! I don't know why you keep going here but I think I'm an idiot for letting you in every single time Irish! I never wanted to see you again yet what am I doing now?"

She dropped the book she was holding and it landed on the cold floor. Her concern expression became was now mixed with fear.

I felt my chest ache slightly and my breathing sped up a bit. What is this feeling?

What am I doing?

"I... I'm sorry," I paused then walked to her. My hand picked up the book and returned it to the shelf. "I didn't mean to say all that."

I sat on the chair and she stood in front of me.

"No... no. It's fine. I'm at fault."

She took small steps and placed the back of her hand on my forehead, "You're a bit hot."

Her eyes started glowing to a bright green and I felt myself feeling lighter as the seconds pass by.

Healing. That's her unique ability. It wasn't memory.

"Feeling better?" she asked with a small smile.

I only nodded as a response. She happily sighed and then prepared the table.

"I remember someone that I tried healing when I was younger. That kid scraped his knee at the playground. I wanted to help and tried comforting him. That's when I learned that I could heal people."

I only smiled at her share of story. So her unique ability really is healing.

We ate the pastry she brought and drank the tea I brewed. We talked about that small argument we had earlier and apologized each other for that.

"If you ever need anything, just give me a call and I'm sure I could help you," she paused and stepped out of the door way. "Good bye now!"

I forced a wider smile and bid her good bye. It didn't take long for the tiny figure to disappear from my sight. I closed the door and fell on my knees.

"It was a good thing she left before this happened," I said to myself.

I tried standing up but failed. I only sighed and decided to crawl to the nearest couch.

"I guess I'll be stuck like this for a while."

It seems like I already accepted it. There's nothing I can do now.

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