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"There's no girl in your house

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"There's no girl in your house."
The officer walked outside to Eileen
and Jungkook, along with another officer.

"It's probably some kid pulling a
harmless Halloween prank on you."

"I swear t—

Jungkook lifted both his hands, letting Eileen know he'd handle it from here. He walked towards the officer, tapping him on the shoulder.

"Officer—" Jungkook looked down at the man's name tag. "Namjoon."


"Listen, I've known Eileen for all my life. I know she wouldn't lie about something like this, okay? I need you to search the house again. There's something really messed up and sketchy about this town."

"I already searched the house kid, what
do you want me to do? Search it again?"
The officer crossed his arms.

Jungkook called out while
the officer turned away.

"You're wasting my time kid."
Namjoon sighed.

"Jimin's missing."

He slowly turned around.

"Jimin was in there with her."

The officer sighed, lifting his cap to run his fingers through his hair. Of course, when it came to people he knew personally, it became a problem.

"Give me a description of the girl."

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