1.Prologue to the beginning

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The air shifted upon Lily's arrival. Covered in the darkness, she stood at a far distance watching the famous wolves of Shepherd's Creek, her recent targets.
They didn't look that imposing in the slightest. Although their numbers posed a problem, it would soon be a matter taken care of.

Upon further examination, it was obvious the pups were the reason their numbers looked great.The scouts had even brought news that the Alpha didn't look as vicious as rumors made him out to be. And there was something very wrong with him...a weakness. Making that moment, the perfect time to ambush him.

Lily's eyed the demon who was making headway to her.
The light of the half moon dimly lit the corners of the forest, hiding the small army of demons in the darkness.

The leaves on the tree rustled from their effort to hold on in the chilly winds.
'We've located the Alpha. And great news, he's not in the den.'

'So he's alone.' Lily clarified.

'Not quite. He's with his woman.'
Lily was very pleased with the news. 'And you are sure he's alone. No other wolves around?'
The demon eagerly nodded. Lily shrank back in disgust as she watched the demon salivate in his relentless eagerness to consume blood.
The light yellow color mucus slipped down its pus littered face which was bordered tiny hooked thorns. Like most demons present, he had no ears, skeletal looking nose and charcoal black skin with red veins creeping over it.

Lily looked away, anywhere but at the demon. Her skin crawled at the thought of working with these lesser creatures but it seemed like she needed their help. And this might be the only way to get the job.

'Get the rest and get to work.'
He left which gratefully took him away from her sight.

Lily watched a dozen demons skulk through the forest, but she kept her distance from the unauthorized plot against the Alpha. She couldn't afford to get caught.

With this matter behind her, Lily hastily retraced her steps back into the southern territory where other business beckoned.
As she walked on, she smiled at the brilliance of her plan, she patted her own back since there was no one to do so.

She pulled up her light brown hair into a messy bun to keep the strands from falling in her face then she hiked her skirt up to secure her footing.

The plan was so simple it was genius if she should say so.
The stupid werewolf and his wolf minions had chosen the wrong place to camp. It was so close to vampire territory that Lily could single-handedly start a war and please the mistress.
And that was what she had set into motion. She was confident in herself and her plan.

The demons would attack Osei... or whatever his name was. She didn't even know him personally. What she knew about him was based on things the mistress expressed and rumors others told about him. She didn't have to know him to hate him. He was a werewolf and that was reason enough. Her plan was to blame the attack all on the ever troublesome rogue vampires. The Lynch clan would be so insulted they would seek revenge. Feeling angry and betrayed, no one would want to sit down and talk. They'd only desire to tear each other apart and then there will be fewer hurdles for the Mistress to overcome in order to win. How could she not appreciate her disobedience then?

Lily broke into a jog when the excitement was too much to just keep in her mind, she slowed into a skip once she arrived at her desired location.

She too and the 'test' subject were camped in the northernmost point of bloodsuckers territory since they didn't like being too close to the shifters. She couldn't have picked a better location.
A tiny part of her pulled at her nerves. The stubborn voice just wouldn't shut up about what she was doing. And what she was doing, was disobeying orders. But the plan was already set in motion and so there was no going back.
Those pesky nobles needed to be taught a lesson and Lily wasn't as patient as her mistress.
Lily smiled to herself and quieted her looming fears. The results of her stark disobedience will overshadow the act itself. The end would justify the means.

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