Mayhem (and host)

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(Based off new Venom movie)

Name: Mayhem

Nickname: May (by everyone who gets close enough and lives)

"Gender": (voice) female (Body) Whichever gender she's bound to....[Prefers female hosts, but will bond to male host if needed]

Color: (main) Silver (secondary) Black


Venom (Brother)

Riot (Cousin twice removed)

Carnage (Cousin 17 times removed)

Favorites: Chocolate

Extra information:

Mayhem keeps her host, the Quarian, alive (meaning bolstering her immune system or healing injuries) and in return the Quarian helps her find food (aka. Chocolate or really really bad Batarian Slavers or other corrupt people to eat.)

After spending three years with Mayhem the Quarian knows everything there was to know about the Symbiote. All Mayhems weaknesses, strengths, needs, likes and dislikes as well as how Symbiotes function.

The Quarian that Mayhem is bonded to can now live outside her suit as long as Mayhem is with her but prefers not to as the suits are still apart of Quarian culture. The Quarian does take her mask off when she wants to smell something. (Cover is of Teira without her Mask)

Host: Teira'Ken Nar Quib-Quib Vas Ryaa (changed to Vas Normandy after admirals find out about Mayhem.)

Species: Quarian

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