Ch.10 Comming to an end

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⚠️🍋Warning: this chapter contains Lemons 🍋⚠️ you've been warned

where do they think they're going ? The house doesn't have a back door ?....shit the windows !

I ran after them. they slammed my parents door shut but I slipped my feet in stopping the door, Alex pushed their weight on the door

"come on~ open the door, I just wanna talk" I chuckled pushing on the other side, their grip on the door disappeared and a loud thud is heard... i guess they slipped on Judy's blood, opening the door ...I was right !

Their clothes smeared in the thick crimson liquid

"my my ~ how clumsy can you be Alex" I pulled them into my body

"GET OFF ME" They yelled "you've dirtied your clothes...we can let you stay like this" pushing them to the bed I pinned them down

"s-stop !! I won't tell anyone so just let me go" they yelled

"let you go ? Hahaha really ! You think I'd trust you enough to do that ?" What happened to the reasonable and calm Alex ? I don't mind this one anyways! I'm enjoying every minute of it!

"You had my complete trust before hooking up with Michael!...but now~ you're never getting out of here" I didn't want to do this but...

I clinched my hand into a fist and punched Alex right in the face they gasped in pain, staring at me with wide light blue eyes, don't look at me like that !!

You'll only make it harder for me! I punched them again until they passed out !

Breathing heavily I sat on their waist "thank goodness~ I didn't break anything" pulling their face closer I sighed in relief.

Alex !! I'm sorry ! I really am !

Leaning down I kissed their forehead softly and smiled to myself.

Opening the nightstand drawer I scanned all the toys and cuffs mother owned, everything was brand new...she was known for her work so men with weird kinks usually bought her stuff to use with them

she only hid them here never laying her fingers on them...I reached for the metal cuffs and placed it around my love's wrists clicking them to the bed frame

getting out of bed I sighed glancing around the fucking mess I got myself into ,I'll start cleaning then.

where is it~ where is it~ ah ! Found it ! I should probably gag them too, if they wake up while I'm cleaning they'd definitely scram...thank god Judy is tiny and lean, cutting her up won't take much time ! Let's get started!
Here we go~ this is the last bag, it was filled with her body parts, the floors were painted red as I dragged the bag along the hallway

I took out the empty bucket and filled it with water...I guess I'll use all the soup I have, reaching into the cabinets I pulled the green thick cleaning product

opening the lid and pouring the liquid straight on the wooden floor, I scrubbed every nook and cranny I could find, the house's metal scent slowly being replaced by oak and jasmine

"Whoa ~ I almost fell" the floors are slippery, I should be more careful, taking the water bucket I dumped in on the floor, moping everything clean, pushing the access water into the bathroom...I just have to get rid of Judy !

How will I do that ?! Ah!
A couple of hours passed as I sat watching the news I went to check on Alex every few minutes but they're still out cold

I already changed them into a clean pair of clothes and wiped the blood of their nose, I slowly towered them scanning their features quietly, the new clean sheets under them. How did I change it ?

An Angel's mask ....Dark Yandere |Completed|Where stories live. Discover now