Ch.11 Alex

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⚠️🍋 Warning: this chapter contains Lemons 🍋⚠️ you've been warned

"Good night" I leaned softly kissing their forehead

"umm..Y/N ! Take these off please" Alex mumbles softly glancing at their wrists being cuffed to the bed frame

"I can't do that yet ! You might try to run away from me" I sighed brushing their raven hair away

"I won't ! I have no one to go to but you ! And I have no money to live off either!...I'll stay here with you forever...okay ? Please untie me" they smiled tilting their head ,my hand twitched ,the metal key in my palm

should I ?

I really want to set them free , i want to sleep next to them, holding them close to my body...but I can't !! Not yet

"sorry, but just for a while...okay ?" I creased their cheek, they nodded softly, I'm so happy they're understanding

I might let them roam around the house freely soon if they keep it up

"thank you" i smiled before adding

"I'll go give the leftovers to our neighbors" getting up from the bed, Alex's eyes widened while their whole face turned pale "YOUR'E FEEDING THEM THEIR ONLY DAUGHTER YOU SICK BASTARD ?" they yelled at the top of their lungs before the gasped in shock.

ah !

What was that ?!

they were acting all this time ?

They lied ?

My eyes widened glancing at them "i have to get rid of her somehow!" I sighed rubbing the back of my head anger slowly boiling inside me

"...y-you're right, if she's f-found...t-t-the police will t-take you away from me...s-s-sorry I was w-wrong" they stuttered looking away

"exactly! Thank you for understanding" i took a deep breath and kissed them gently ,watching them close their eyes drifting to sleep

"I love you" I slowly closed the door leaving them laying in the darkness of my bedroom's door.

*a week later*

"Alex~ breakfast is ready !" I called from the kitchen, waiting patiently for my love to show up, the sounds of metal cuffs clinging reached my ears as they slowly smiled walking in

"good morning" they softly mumbled

"did you sleep well ?" I asked reaching out for their hands ,they rested them in mine and smiled gently

"not really , I still miss sleeping next to you...why won't you join me in bed" they suddenly sighed, taking me by surprise...they want me next to them ?

"I thought about giving you a little space" I gave a weak smile

"I...I didn't mean anything I said earlier...I was just shocked seeing Judy's body" they lowered their head

"hmm~ I see, sorry about that" I hugged them closer

"then from today onwards I'll sleep with you" I kissed their forehead

"I'd love that" they nodded , I stared at them for a couple of minutes before hearing their stomach growl

"let's eat" I chuckled softly as their cheeks flustered.
Laying down on the king sized bed next to Alex "shouldn't you be going to school ? Are you okay skipping ? Is it because of me ?" They whispered creasing their thumb on my cheek, of course not !

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