Chapter 2 - Park Encounters

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*A year later*

Its been a year today.

I couldn't forget her. She just died and I couldn't save her.

I sighed. I've been so depressed about since that snowy night.

After we went to help pack at the venue and go home, I stood where I found her, and saw so much blood on the snow.

It made me realize how there were so many people like her we were singing for.

Only difference is nobody will be there to save them from freezing and bleeding to death.

Not physically that is. That's why we keep writing music. As little sliver of hope for them.

Most of the time I couldn't eat, couldn't sleep... in a while I got to razors, but don't cut deep enough to land me in a hospital... Its basically high school me all over again.

I don't know why thinking of this girl has me like this, much less why I keep thinking about her. I only knew a name I got from a bracelet, and that she's dead. Don't know about her body, her grave, nothing.

"Hey, Ricky, come on!!" I hear Chris call from the lounge area.

I sighed as I looked down at the bracelet she had.

I stuff it back under my pillow.

Its our break so we decided to walk around and hang at the park for a bit, skateboard for a while.

I pull on my beanie, climb out my bunk, grab my skateboard, and run off to meet with the guys outside so we can all head to the park.

Maybe this will get my mind off this "Onyx" girl for a bit.


I eventually tired myself out and place my skateboard next to me as I lay on the grass, catching my breath.

Thankfully, the snow was coming late for November, yet it was pretty chilly here in good ol' Scranton, Pennsylvania.

And the skate area wasn't slippery, so we were safe.

The guys then went to get food while I rested up. Balz practiced some more skating on his own.

Basically, it was my, Balz, Ryan, Korel, and Allie skateboarding.

I roll my head to the side after staring at the clouds and suddenly notice something white move behind a tree in the nearby hammocks.

I scrunch my eyebrows together as I sat up and looked at the trees.

That hammocks doesn't have and shouldn't have animals, and I'm positive the only white animals here in Scranton are doves, and they can't be as big as what I just saw.

Curious, I grab my skateboard and sneak off to the woods to see what that was.

I mazed my way through the trees, spotting the same white thing every few minutes.

Only then did I realize that I should have met with an empty field by now long ago, and these hammocks aren't even acres long.

Why did it feel like I'm walking through a huge dense forest now?

I decided to turn and realize I didn't knows how to make it back.

Fuck, did I lose myself?!

I took in deep breaths as I tried to find my way back to the skate park, but only found the trees getting denser.

I felt my breath coming short.

Wait... That's how my panic attacks used to start... Oh no... Not now....

I picked up my pace as I kept passing tree after tree. It only seemed like they were multiplying in numbers and I was soon running and freaking out.

Voices suddenly echoes through the woods... Whispers...

Help me...

Please, help me...

I kept running when I suddenly tripped and fell down a small cliff, dropping my board somewhere.

I felt tears were streaming my eyes and I curled up into a ball.

My heart was beating a mile a minute and I felt like the air was getting thin.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.....

How the hell am I ever gonna get out of here?!

I felt the world begin to blur to black when suddenly a white glow appeared in front of me and then a familiar face I couldn't make out behind the blur looks down at me with sad grey eyes and then everything goes black and quiet.


"Guys!! I found him!!" I hear someone shout as I feel my eyes start to flutter open.

I groan and turn my head as I see some blurry black figures running towards me. Only then did I realize I'm lying on the cold ground.

My vision clears and I see it's the guys.

Ghost was the first to reach me and help me sit up.

"Ricky, talk to me, buddy," he said as I was then surrounded.

"Give him some air guys," Allie said.

"He doesn't look too good," Ryan said.

"Let's get him to the bus, he looks dazed," Chris said and then next thing I know, both my arms are grabbed and I'm lifted up. Balz and Ryan pull each of my arms over their shoulders and they help me to the bus.

Once we get there, Ryan set me down while Ghost handed MW a water bottle.

"Dude, what happened??" he asked as I drank.

I sighed.

"I have no idea."

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