Chapter 3 - Missing

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[Ricky's POV]

I have no idea what happened to me in those hammocks.

I just decided I got a hard hit on the head and imagined that whole experience.

I woke up the next morning a bit better.

I look and see my arm caked in some dried blood from the three cuts I did last night on my wrist.

I sighed as I reached under the pillow for Onyx's ID bracelet.

But... I couldn't feel it...

I lifted my pillow and gasped.

Its gone!

I looked around almost frantically in my bunk, but didn't find it.

I pulled on a long sleeved sweatshirt and jump out of my bunk.

"Guys!" I shout, running into the living room. "It's gone!"

"What's gone, Ricky?" Balz asked.

"Onyx's ID bracelet," I said frantically.

"Did you check your bunk?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah, all over," I said.

"Okay, relax, dude. It'll turn up. It probably slipped under a blanket or something," Ghost said.

I sighed. Maybe they're right.

But its weird. How would it have fallen from my bunk like that?

Did I let it fall without knowing?

At least soon we'll be home, and I can clean up and look around for it.

But honestly, something felt weird...

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