Bughead had a baby?!?! This is her life traveling through the years along with different POVS and What Jughead and Betty think!!!! And Jellybean will be in it too!
So I was inspired by a photo, of a grandpa who pulled into the garage on his bike, and his granddaughter pulled in next to him. I thought it was so cute and I could make another chapter for you guys out of it. I don't own the picture btw Juliet is 4 and this is unconnected to the main story, more like a one shot
Betty POV
Taking care of Jules was easy, except for the part she could hardly stay still for over 3 minutes, unless she was playing with something or watching Peppa Pig. Jughead is usually writing his book about our teenage tragedy or has serpent stuff, so he's locked in his office or out all day. Today's Sunday, but he had serpent buisness to take care of. I was organizing the kitchen when I heard the familiar sound of a motorcycle pull into the garage, and as I expected, Juliet jumped up from the couch and ran to the garage door, almost tripping. The door opened and Juleit jumped into Juggy's arms and he kissed her forehead. "Hey little snake? Where's mommy?" He asked, and I could sense the worry in his voice. "Yeah I'm here Juggy!" I popped up closing the cabinet I was fixing and putting the child lock back on. He put Juliet down and sent her back to the living room and went up to me. When he leaned in to kiss me I felt something sticky on his cheek. I wiped it with my thumb and saw a layer of concealer on my thumb. "Juggie? Are you wearing makeup?" I asked skepticism in my voice. He sighed and threw his beanie off and dropped it on the counter, walking to the table and taking a seat. I sat down next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. "What's wrong Jug? And why are you wearing makeup?" He began to explain his day. "I got in a fight." He groaned as I grabbed my bag and in the process of getting a makeup wipe out, I gasped and dropped it to the ground. "You did what?!" I practically yelled and Jughead put a finger to his lips and pointed at the living room where Juliet was. "You did what now Jones?!" I said a bit quieter. "We may have started another gang war when Malachi came to the Wyrm and tried to give Toni jingle jangle. She said no and he practically tried to shove it down her throat, and before he could, Sweet Pea punched him and they got in a fight, and the goulies are probably scheming again now. And an hour or two later he came back with like 15 others and tried to ambush the Wyrm, they had g-u-n-s, k-n-I-f-e-s and bats with spikes and stuff, we almost lost Toni." He put his head down and I rubbed his back. God. Right when I thought we were okay. "And the only, well, kind of good news is that Toni had her baby, they're both okay, but SP almost had an aneurism." He mumbled and chuckled at the end. "Is Toni still at the hospital?" I asked worried. Toni and I had grown close over the years and I was concerned, she gave birth a month early. "Yeah, SP called me. She's still asleep. Their girl is still asleep in her bassinet. They named her Janessa Elizabeth Peabody." He said casually and I gasped again. "Elizabeth? As In Cooper, Vera? What?" I giggled. "They said they named her after you Betts. You helped the serpents so much over the years, and they thought this was just nice. And Toni said that JEP are cute initials." Jughead brightened up and I finished scrubbing his face. There was a bruise the size of his cheek, on his cheek, and it was purple and blue and just plain out awful. "Jesus Forsyth. What is the H-E-L-L did you do?" I sighed and he just kissed me and walked to the living room.
After I finished cleaning the kitchen, only to know it would get messed up again, I walked into the living room to spend time with my family and walked in on the cutest thing. Juliet and Jug were playing "Doctor" and Jules kept sticking band-aid shaped stickers with hearts and stars on his cheek while singing the "Peace and Harmony" song from Peppa Pig
The TV was on Disney channel now and very old shows were playing. Like Hannah Montana, Lizzie McGuire, The Suite life of Zack and Cody and on Deck, That's so Raven, you get it. I sat down on the couch and watched this scene play out in front of me. What did I do to deserve such incredible people.
The next day
Jughead had gone back to the Wyrm to sort out some stuff and I was at home reading next to Juliet that was "reading" one of my favorite novels. She had put on her fake glasses while I had my real ones and had said "Just like mommy!", melting me into a puddle.
Around 5:45 Juliet asked to go outside. I had dinner done so I just agreed. The weather wasn't too bad for October, around 65 degrees (F). I sat in the garage on a lawn chair watching my daughter sit on her tricycle parked on the grass and stare at the end of the road. "Hey, sweetie what are you doing?" I asked containing laughs. "I'm waiting for daddy." She said still looking at the road. I checked my watch. 6:01, Jug would be coming home soon.
At 6:06, you could hear the engine from down the street and Juliet perked up. She moved her tricycle into a straight line towards the garage while I moved out of the way. Jug came into View and as he pulled up into the driveway, Jules began to pedal fast into the garage. I saw what she was trying to do, and smiled to myself, trying not to ruin the "surprise" for Jug. Jughead stopped the engine and Juliet caught up and made a "skrrrt" noise to stop her "engine" .
3rd person, b/c whoops
"What the he-" Jughead asked looking down on his right side, seeing nothing, and then looking down on his left side and seeing his baby, parked next to him, grinning like never before. He hopped of his motorcycle and picked his tiny daughter up off her tricycle and put her on his hip. "Hey Jules. I see you parked next to me." He had the look of pure pride and joy on his face. "Yeah! And now that I know where you park, we can have parking spaces, but we never take each other's, I heard Auntie V and mommy talking about it, and she says it's annoying." Juliet said. "Well then, wanna make parking spaces before dinner princess?" Jughead said to his daughter who's face lit up. "Yeah!" She punched a fist in the air triumphantly. He put her down and got the sidewalk chalk off the top shelf. As they began to draw, Betty watched and began to think again. She felt like she forgot something. "Dinner! Oh jeez! It's in the oven! I forgot!" She bounced up and stumbled over her chair and into the door connecting the grave and house. Juliet and Jughead just giggled and continued tracing their bikes.
After the two finished drawing, Betty called them in for dinner. Jughead sent Juliet in with the direction to tell her mother he had to take a picture. Jughead immediately thought of the perfect person to send it to.
To: Sweet Pea 🐍
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Fatherhood will make you soft dude. Be prepared. -J
-Shit -SP
Hey people! I'm sorry for not updating lately, here is one of my 2 ideas finished, (and unedited) please comment any mistakes you see. Thank you for being so patient with me, I just had to finish a 5000 word essay for ELA, summarizing Charlotte's Web of all books. My ELA teacher is crazy, I swear. Anyway, thanks for reading, love y'all 🐍🐍🐍❤️❤️❤️🍒💕💕💕👌🍒🍒