Chapter 1

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"Hey Chloe," I heard my best friend, Shelly, yell at the top of her lungs.  She used to be quiet, but high school definitely changed her – that and the fact that she just recently finished shifting, which meant that her high pitched voice suddenly got even higher.

Lucky, I thought to myself.  I couldn't wait to finish shifting.  I should be done by this weekend since it's my 16th birthday.   

I could see her running towards me down the open hallway, not bothering to keep at a human's pace.  She hated how slow humans were, so she only does it when necessary.  It helps that most of this school is made up of werewolves, and that the few humans that do attend already know about us.  Some of the humans that come here have been friends with werewolves since birth; the others are mated to a werewolf.

I stood up from the wooden bench I was sitting on only to be tackled to the ground by her.  I got a pounding ache at the back of my head as it banged against the hard concrete.  It's a good thing I'm a werewolf, otherwise this pain wouldn't already be fading, though it still had a dull ache.

Damn werewolf strength, I cursed to myself. This happens almost every time that we go a few days without seeing each other.  So basically, this girl gives me a pounding headache every Monday unless we hang out on the weekend. 

I shoved her off of me, making her jump right back on her feet while I propped myself on my elbows and looked up at her. I heaved in a breath that she so cruelly took away by knocking me on the ground and glared up at her playfully. 

"Hey, Shelly." 

Her real name is Michelle, but when we used to go to beaches as kids, she would always look for shells.  She never really went swimming, it wasn't her thing.  What would she do without fail, though? Yup, you guessed it: look for shells. She would walk along the shoreline where the waves came before receding back and would check to see if there were any shells she liked.  She isn't too fond of the nickname, but she gave up because she realized that I'll never call her anything else.

I jumped back on my feet and noticed a huge smile plastered on her face.  Her crystal blue eyes were shining with excitement and her face was glowing.  Her shoulder-length, wavy, light brown hair was flowing with the gentle breeze of the wind.  Although her face was beautiful, her body was to die for.  Her skin was in between tan and pale, and accentuated the curves she had in all the right places.   Model-long legs supported her 5'5" frame.   Even though her looks made her the most envied girl in the school, she is still my best friend.

I, on the other hand, am not as envied as her.  My eyes are an odd golden-green type of hazel.  Some days they're forest green with a small amount of gold around the iris, other days they'll be a golden honey color with specks of forest green.  My hair was naturally straight and is a honey blonde color with other shades of blonde mixed in and reached mid-back while my bangs are swept over most of my right eye.  I have a pale complexion, but not a deathly pale color and, though I had curves and a nice body, I could never compare to Shelly, especially at my midget height of 5'2."

"Hellllloooo!  Earth to Chloe!" she called, exasperated.  She was tapping her foot on the ground, growing even more impatient.

"Uh, yeah?" I answered, pulled out of my scrutiny.

She squealed, causing people to stare at us.  But once they saw who it was, they grinned and walked away, shaking their heads.  Everybody knew how crazy she was and nobody cared anymore, in fact, people loved her craziness; both werewolves and humans alike.  The fact people were here now meant it was probably around 6:47, the typical time busses arrive.

"Did you hear?" she asked, barely containing her excitement.

I looked at her confused which caused her open her mouth in shock.  She looked at me, as if waiting for me to magically know what she's talking about.  When she realized I really had no idea, she sighed and shook her head as if she couldn't believe it.

She now puffed out her cheeks, meaning she was about to explode with details that will pour out of her mouth like a waterfall. She only did this with two things: boys and dances. She's one of the most hyperactive werewolves in this area. 

"OH MY FLIPPING GOSH!!!" she yelled, her voice echoing through the open halls.

I winced slightly at her voice and put my hand over her mouth so I wouldn't become deaf. Being a werewolf doesn't help since it seems to give girls a slightly higher voice when we get near turning.  Though, I hear after we turn for our first time, our voices should go back to being the same, although some don't.  Though, I have to admit that the guys' voices are funny when they go through this.

When I could feel her breathing slow down, I slowly took away my hand but being cautious in case she freaked again. 

"Okay, so have you heard about the upcoming Masquerade Ball?  They said that it will be at the Kapok Tree."

I nodded this time, causing her to look pleased.  It was kind of hard not to hear about it, though.  It's all people have been talking about lately.  Around here, once a dance is announced, word spreads faster than the plague.  They don't bother with posters because they know the perfect person to go to for this: Selena Sanders, one of my step-sisters. Though, unlike her mom, sister, and I, she's human.  How that happened, we have no idea. Even though she's human, many people fawn over her, even some werewolves.  Once the school tells her, she spreads it to a few people from different cliques, starting the chain reaction of everybody knowing. 

"Do you know the theme of it?  Or is it unannounced so far?" I couldn't help but ask.  I felt oddly excited by this. 

She seemed taken aback that I seemed to care rather than be bored.  To be honest, so was I.  I'm normally the type to shy away from dances or anything that requires me to dance or be social. 

"I heard it's 'A Night to Remember.'"

I thought about it, while it sounded cheesy, it also sounded promising.  I couldn't put my finger on it but I couldn't get over the fact that I got a funny feeling thinking about it.  Whether it's a good or bad feeling, I have no clue.

A Werewolf Cinderella Story (Teacher/Student)  (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now