Chapter One

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Harry’s pov: “I'm leaving!” I called up the stairs. I heard my five year old daughters feet come pattering down the stairs and soon she was in my arms.

“Bye daddy, I'll miss you,” she pouted into my shoulder. I hugged her tighter to me, wishing she was coming with me.

“I'll miss you too princess, be good for grandma okay? I'll call you tonight once my plane lands.” I told her. She nodded and kissed my shoulder, still not pulling away.

“Am I going to be able to come out and see you daddy?” I sighed,

“I'm not sure yet Liv, but I'll try.”


“Pinky promise,” I nodded and locked our pinkies. I stood as my mum came in the room, Olivia still in my arms. She was clinging to me, making it even harder for me to leave. I haven't had to leave for seven months, so my daughter and I have basically been inseparable those months.

“Your father is going to miss his plane if he doesn't get going. One more kiss Olivia,” she smiled. I kissed my daughter's head and squeezed her to my chest until she complained that she couldn't breath. I loosened my grip and chuckled, bending back down to place her feet on the ground. She stood, but her arms stayed around my neck and he face in my shoulder.

"Liv, baby, you have to let go," I whispered and rubbed her back. A sob left her mouth making me jump and pick her back up. Her legs locked back around my waist and she squeezed impossibly tighter. I bounced lightly. "Hey, no crying baby. Its okay. We will be back together in a few days. Couple weeks at tops. You know I cant stand you crying."

 "Please don't go daddy," she begged. I turned to my mum, eyes watering. She smiled sadly,

"Liv, your dad really has to go and he hates leaving you as much as you do, but he will work on getting you to California with him. You and I can have some girl time while he is gone. I'll teach you how to paint your nails," my mum tried.

"Don't bribe me," Olivia hissed. I blinked and a few tears fell.

"Liv, sweetie. Look at me," I begged. She slowly sat up in my arms and looked at me. I smiled lightly and kissed her forehead. "You and grandma will have a lot of fun and before you know it you will be back with me." 

"I hate this," she whimpered and shook her head. I nodded and wiped her running tears with one of my hands.

 "Me too. Please Olivia, behave."

 "Of course daddy," she nodded, "will you get me a present?" I chuckled and nodded,

 "of course baby. I have to go or I'll miss my plane." She shrugged,

 "I wouldn't care." I laughed and set her down,

 "me either, but Lou would. I love you so much princess, I'll see you soon,” I smiled and kissed her one last time. She mumbled a bye and I said thank you to my mum. I waved one last time before going out the door and to the car that was waiting to take me to the airport.

 "Good morning mister Styles."

 "Morning Jackson," I smiled at the man who was my chauffeur.

 "Rough morning?" he questioned as he packed the rest of my bags into the trunk. I rubbed my face, knowing my eyes must have been red and puffy from crying.

 "Unfortunately. I don't have any clue why I thought it would be smart to try and pursue an acting career when I have a little girl," I pouted. Jackson chuckled as we both got into the car.

 "She will thank you when she is eighteen and dating a member of the biggest boy band of that time because you had connections," he smiled and glanced in the rear view mirror at me. I glared back,

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