Of Weddings and Objections 》 Peterick

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Originally published: May 13th, 2018

Pairings: Patrick Stump/Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump/Gerard Way

Summary: Patrick is about to get married to his fiancé, Gerard Way, until someone from his past crashes the wedding.


"Honey," his fiancé murmured excitedly, nudging him playfully. "Come on, it's time you get up."

Patrick grumbled, before sitting up and rubbing his eyes. This wasn't the time to anger him. Although he should be feeling ecstatic and feel all those fluttering butterflies in his stomach, he felt strangely empty.

Getting dressed in the suit he had chosen didn't feel right. None of this felt right, really. After he was ready, his fiancé, Gerard, gently pushed him out of the room. "We're not supposed to see each other until the wedding," he reminded him, giggling.

He seemed so happy that Patrick felt guilty. There was this gleam in his hazel eyes, a gleam of love and hope, that made Patrick wonder. He wondered if he has ever looked at Gerard like that.

Making it to the small church was a disaster in itself. His friends had been texting him repeatedly, the same iterations about how they were so happy for him and how his perfect life awaits. Patrick thinks that it can't be that perfect.

And so he was stood, waiting at the altar. They had decided Gerard would walk down, which was more his decision than anything. Patrick didn't really mind all the specifics of weddings and marriages; weddings were just fancy ceremonies to show off love and marriages themselves were just a title used for tax benefits. Who needs to be married to know that they are in love?

Marriage is just meaningless to him.

Patrick glanced at all of his friends and family that were attending. Such peaceful, happy expressions plastered on their faces. If only they knew the internal struggle tossing and turning in his head.

How would they react? Would they see it as scandalous for him to have these second thoughts, or is it normal?

Watching him walk down the aisle filled him with clarity. He's had his doubts, but Gerard is the man he loves with all his heart. He knows this.

Gerard smiled gently when he approached. Patrick grabbed his hand and looked over to the priest, who began reciting the vows.

It was all going well. Until the priest innocently asked, "If anyone has any objections to this union, speak now or forever hold your peace."

It's precisely at that moment that the heavy church doors open, followed by the sound of quick footsteps. "I object!" the person declared.

Patrick froze, blinking repeatedly, because he knew who that man was. How could he ever forget him, his first love?

The people started whispering to themselves about the predicament, and Patrick was filled with rage, inexplicable rage. This was supposed to be a good day, the day he'd marry the love of his life, and here he was, making a mess out of things, like he always did when they were teenagers.

"Patrick, who's that?" Gerard hissed under his breath. He had never told him about him. Pete was a secret he had hoped to take to his grave, because there was a part of him that, after all these years, still loved him.

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