12. Visit From Boo

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I stood in the airport, waiting for Jay to show up. He finally came to New Zealand to visit me. I couldn't wait.

I spotted Jay and ran up to him. He dropped his bags and scooped me up. He spun me around, causing me to erupt in giggles.

Jay set me down and kissed me. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. Jay hugged me tightly, rocking us back and forth.

I laughed. "Hey, Jay."

"Hey, JJ," Jay murmured.

I pulled away from Jay. "How are you, Jay?"

Jay wrapped an arm around me as we started walking. "I'm doing great. What's JJ stand for, by the way?"

"Josie Jordan," I replied. "That's my first and last name. I just go by JJ."

Jay nodded. "Okay. Are we going to your apartment now?"

I nodded. "We need to put your stuff away. Then we could out to dinner if you want."

"Yeah," Jay said. "That sounds okay. I'm actually really hungry."

I smiled. "Well, we better feed you."

We left the airport and went to my apartment. After that, we went to a fast food place. Jay ate on our way back to my apartment. I pulled into my spot and we got out. I led Jay up to my apartment.

Jay sat at the table as I cleaned up the kitchen. Jay cracked some jokes and did some impressions. I laughed so hard I cried on some of them.

I propped my arm on the table and rested my head against my hand. "I'm glad you're here, Jay. I love you."

Jay copied the way I was sitting. "I love you too, Josie. I'm glad we met in Japan. I wouldn't have known what would've happened."

I smiled. "Me neither, but I'm glad we did meet. What do you want to do know?"

Jay shrugged. "I don't know. We could just hang out and talk."

I smiled. "That sounds good to me. Are you still hungry?"

Jay shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine."

We got up and Jay cleaned his plate. I sat on my couch and waited for Jay to join me. Jay came in and sat beside me. I tossed my legs over him and he wrapped an arm around me.

"I am so deeply in love with you, Josie." Jay gave me an adoring and loving look. "I love you with all my heart and I want to be with you forever."

I giggled. "I love you too, Jay. You're so, so much."

Jay leaned in and kissed me. His beard tickled me as I moved my hands to the back of his head. Jay gently placed his hands on my waist. Our kiss was slow and gentle, not passionate and heated.

My heart beat widely and I could feel it swell. Jay pulled me close and held me tight. I bit Jay's lip lightly as I wrapped my arms around his neck. Jay squeezed me tightly.

He pulled away. "I love holding you in my arms and I want to do it for the rest of time. I promise I'll marry you one day."

I laughed, throwing my head back. "I hope so, Jay. I want to be with you forever."

Jay pecked my lips. "Good. Is there going to be dessert tonight, my dear JJ?"

I got up and went into the kitchen. "I don't know. Let's find out."

Jay followed me into the kitchen. We looked in the freezer and found some ice cream. I dished some into two bowls and handed one to Jay. We sat at the table. I started at Jay, who was smiling at me from across the table. I loved this man.

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