Chapter Five

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Tia's POV

"So, you're telling me that my son tried to force himself on Lexie?" Louis asked us, his head in his hands. Right now she was in Shawn's lap on the couch. We were sitting in the kitchen, and Louis was having a hard time taking this in. "Where is he right now?" Louis asks, and I sigh. "He's in Lexie's room, tied to the bed." Jax answers. He was sitting to my left and Chandler's right. "I'm sorry about him. Leave him there." Louis says, pulling out his phone. "What are you doing?" I ask, confused. "I'm calling the police." Louis replies, and I nod.

~Two Hours Later~

Lexie sat beside me, shaking as she held tightly on my arm while I used my other hand to smooth out her hair. A police officer sat across from us. Fitting the situation, thankfully, it was a woman. "Alexis, can you please answer a few of our questions? Chandler's on his way with your drink." Officer Duncan asked as kindly as she could. There was a tape recorder on the table recording us, and a camera as well. Lexie nodded in response. "How many times has Freddie tried, whether he succeeded or not, to do that to you?" Officer Duncan asked, leaning foreword. Lexie paused, counting on her fingers. After a moment she whispered a heart shattering number, "Six." Officer Duncan nodded. "How many times has she succeeded, sweetie?" Officer Duncan asked, and Lexie cringed when she was called 'Sweetie.' "F-Five..." I hugged Lexie closer as she began to cry. The girl was small, smaller than I, do when she crawled into my lap I had no issues holding her close. "He can't hurt you anymore. It's okay, honey. We'll protect you. I promise." I whisper just loud enough for the officer to barely hear me. "When was the last time this happen? Aside from today." Lexie closed her eyes to fight back the tears. "Yesterday..." she whispers in a small sob. I feel a lump rise in my throat, from knowing what's been going on and when I realize Lexie was supposed to have her monthly visitor right now. "When did this start?" Officer Duncan asked; and Lexie paused. "Two months ago." She squeaked, and my heart ached for her. "There's just one more question I have for you, Alexis. Then you can go." The police officer said, and she nodded. "Would you be willing to go to the hospital for an exam? It's just for evidence and health purposes. We make sure that he didn't give you any sort of STD and he didn't..." she pauses, "That this doesn't also lead to a case that discusses child support. We'll also see if we can get a sperm sample or skin sells." The Officer explains as Lexie cries harder, realizing what other damage he could've done to her life. I rock Lexie, rubbing her back and her hair. Lexie hesitates, but nods. "Do you want me to be in there with you?" I ask the small girl. Lexie quickly nods. I nod too, running my thumb gently across her cheek. There was a gentle knock on the door, and then a head popped in. It was Shawn. "Hey, I know Chandler was supposed to be here, but Desiree and Jackson were pitching a fit. They didn't want him to leave." Shawn said, and we nodded. "We were just about to leave. Thank you for bringing the car." I said, still rocking Lexie. I look down at her. "Are you okay to walk, or do you want one of us to carry you?" I ask her gently. She had been basically immobile since we found out. I guess she finally let all of her pain show. Lexie clung tighter and I assumed she wanted to be carried. "Do you want me or Shawn to carry you?" I ask, stroking her hair. Officer Duncan grabbed the recorder and excused herself. "Shawn." She whispered, and Shawn walked closer. We couldn't understand why, but she clung to me, Shawn, and Jax. Chandler wasn't someone she was close to. Jax was different. He was close to all of us. He picked up Lexie, holding her while I fixed her shirt. "Let's go." I say, gently rubbing Lexie's back. Shawn nods, and we began to leave the police station. "Wait!" Officer Duncan yells on our way out. "You need to give the nurse this." She says, approaching me with a paper. "Right. I'm sorry, I've been distracted all day." I apologize, taking the paper. "Don't be. You shouldn't be going through this." Officer Duncan says, and I nod. "Thank you for your help." I say, and then we leave. "Where are we headed?" Shawn asked as I opened the door to the backseat for him. Once he sat Lexie down and buckled her in. "The hospital." I replied, going around to the driver's side.

~Three Hours Later~

"Alexis Riggs?" The nurse asks, poking her head in the door. "Yes ma'am?" Lexie asks, and the nurse walks in. "We have. All of the results in, and we've sent it them to Officer Duncan as well." She says, shutting the door behind her. Lexie, Shawn, and I nod. "I don't have the heart to actually tell you, so I've put it down on a piece of paper." She says, pulling it out of Lexie's file. "Who's Alexis' guardian?" The nurse asks, and I reach my hand out. The nurse hands me the paper, and I take it. "Take all the time you need. You can leave when you're ready. Can you please lock the door on your way out? That's how we know when someone isn't in here." The nurse explains, and we thank her as she leaves.

Alexis Riggs Exam Results

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Negative
Pregnancy: Positive
            Due Date: June, 2026
            Weeks into Pregnancy: Seven
Sperm Sample
            Collected: Yes
            Identifiable: Yes
Skin Sample
            Collected: Yes
            Identifiable: No

I looked up at Lexie, tears welling up in my eyes. "What does it say?" She asks, I open my arms for her to come here. "Sweetheart..." I whisper, and she hugs me. "What does it say?" She asks again, obviously frightened beyond belief. "Let's take this slow. Okay? Let's start with one result at a time." Shawn suggests, and Lexie nods. "Did they get a skin sample?" Lexie asks quietly. "Yes." I say, then hand the paper to Shawn discreetly to let him read it. I knew that he could handle it. "Would it be able to tell the police anything?" Lexie asks, shakily. "No." I respond, and she puts her head down. "We're they able to get the other DNA thing?" Lexie asks, not feeling comfortable saying the word. "Yes," I respond. "Was it identifiable?" She asked, and I nodded my head yes. "What about the STD?" She asked, and I let out a breath. "It was negative. You're clean." I assure her, and she nods, hesitating before asking the hard question. "A-Am... Am I...?" She starts, but can't finish. I shush her, knowing she couldn't finish the question. "It'll be okay. You aren't alone in this." I assure her, and she fights back the tears. "H-How far along?" She asks, obviously trying to be strong. "Seven weeks." I ask, looking over at Shawn for confirmation. He nods, and I restate my earlier reply. "Seven weeks." Lexie nods, placing a hand on her lower abdomen. "What are you gonna do with it?" She asks, obviously upset. "Lexie, that's completely up to you. This is your baby. You do what you want with your baby." I assure her, and Lexie nods again. "Louis and Freddie deserve to know." Lexie states, and I nod. "We'll be there when you tell them. I don't trust Freddie around you." I tell her. "Do you want to keep the baby?" I ask her, and she nods. "I wouldn't have the heart to get an abortion, or put him or her up for adoption." Lexie says, and I nod. "You are not alone in this, Lexie." Shawn states, and I nod. "We're here for you. So is Chandler and Jax." I tell her, and Lexie nods. "I love you, Shawn..." Lexie starts, and Shawn hugs her with a blush. Neither of us knew which way she meant. "I love you too, Ladybug." Shawn responds, using his pet name for her. "I love you... Mom." Lexie says, and I'll smile. "I love you too, Lexie Lu." I say, using the nickname from when she was little. "Do you want the baby in your room, or in the room across from yours?" I ask, and she pauses. "I want the baby in my room until he or she sleeps through the night. Then I'll move him or her to the other room." Lexie decides, and I smile. "You're going to be a great mom." I assure her, and Lexie nods. "Ladybug, it's okay to be scared or upset or both. You have every right to feel any sort of negative emotion." Shawn assures her, and I stroke her hair. "Shawn's right. You don't have to put on a brave face. You have been hurt repeatedly by your first love, and now you're being forced to grow up so you can raise your baby. You don't have to be brave, Alexis, you can be as weak as you need to be until you're ready to be strong again." I assure her, and Lexie nods. "Thank you." Lexie says, and we hug her. "We'll always be here for you." Shawn and I say in unison.

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