Back to School

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It was two weeks since Tony and the Avengers had brought everyone back to life, when Peter turned up to Ned's the next day he returned he wasn't expecting Ned's mom to hug him and thank him for being Spider-Man. To which he shouted at Ned for blowing his secret, which he honestly couldn't care less about. But it was a matter of identity. Ned told Peter that the school was being used as a care center for those who were injured in the battle when Thanos arrived. They hadn't seen Michelle but Ned assured Peter that she was alive and well. He guessed he'd just have to see her at school.

It was the morning that the school re-opened it's doors to the students again and May was too afraid to even let Peter leave the apartment. She stood in front of the door blocking Peter from leaving.

"Please Peter at least stay another day or two," she whined, Peter groaned in frustration.

"May I honestly do not need to stay here another day. I am fine. I just miss school, know the normal things in life."

May sagged and nodded stepping out of the way of the door, Peter opened it giving May a quick kiss on the check and shouting "I LOVE YOU!" as he ran through the building. He didn't want to give May another chance to second guess letting him go to school.

Peter walked along the sidewalk with his earphones in listening to some Panic! At The Disco, when he heard a car horn beep, he looked up to see Happy Hogan pulling up to the curb in a mini-van, Peter removed his earphones and Happy smiled, "Hey kid, Tony told me to take you to school, hence the mini-van. Low key." Peter smiled and gladly opened the door to the mini-van and hopping in. But there was somebody in the car with them.

"Mr. Stark! What're you doing here!?" Peter asks in shock mainly because Tony was currently sitting in a Citreon Picasso C4 instead of one of his usual fancy cars. Tony smiled a wide smile, "I am here to give you a gift Pete." Tony hands him a silver box. The boy raises his eye brows pondering what it could be.

He opens it and lets out a gasp, it is a new Spider-Man suit, but instead of red and blue this one was red and black with the spider symbol on the chest outlined in white.

"Mr. Stark this suit looks amazing!" Peter yelled in excitement, making both Tony and Happy laugh. He pulls it out and he instantly loved the feel of it.

"Press the emblem," instructed Tony. Peter does as he is told and the suit shrinks down into a small round disk with a spider emblem on it. Peter looked at it in amazement. Then he looks to Tony, "That was so cool Mr. Stark!"

Tony nods his head in agreement, "Yeah it is, whenever you need it place it to your chest and it will morph around you. The web shooters are built into the suit itself so no need to carry them around."

Peter looked like he could explode from happiness at this amazing gift, but Tony wasn't done, he pulled out a rectangular box and gave it to Peter, "It's the latest Stark Phone 12, but yours is special, mainly because I have installed your AI Karen on there, meaning she will be with you all the time."

Peter smiled a really big smile, "Thank you Mr. Stark, thank you."

Happy pulls up to the school and coughs to gain Peter's attention, "We are here kid, remember I am going to pick you up at the end of the day so don't forget, okay?" Peter nodded, "Yes Happy!" and he shot out of the car like a rocket filled with enthusiasm and too much sugar. Saying goodbye with a smile plastered on his face.

Peter watched as the car pulled away and turned a corner, he turned and followed the throng of students into the school.

Navigating through the school was a bit difficult, there were so many people in the hallways that it was almost impossible for you to move, eventually he made it to his locker and deposited his backpack, mainly because his first lesson after homeroom was going to be P.E, which he hated.

He looked up from his locker and was greeted by Michelle who pulled him into a hug. Peter stood there for a moment uncertain of what he should do, after a moment he hugged her back. After what felt like an hour they broke a apart, Michelle looked tired.

"Hey Peter," she said in a low voice. He smiled and greeted her with, "Hi MJ" The pair stood awkwardly for a moment, and Michelle spoke, "There is going to be a decathlon meeting tonight at Marks Coffee shop, you coming?"

Peter nodded, and Michelle smirked a bit, "Good to hear loser, guess I'll see you around."

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