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Peter carried Flash into the Tower as he had lost consciousness again. After a preliminary scan of Flash he was able to confirm that the Venom symbiote was attached to him from what seems to be since the events of Infinity War. Flash had little to no control over his actions. Everything was the Symbiote. Everything that he'd done was Venom. Peter couldn't help but feel bad for Flash.

Peter clambered into the elevator and signalled for FRIDAY to take him to the medical bay. Within seconds the elevator stopped and Peter clambered out and approached a bed and layed Flash down. A doctor came over to him immediately.

"Make sure he's okay," commanded Spider-Man to the doctor. He simply nodded and began checking on Flash.

"Karen, where is Michelle?" he asked the AI in his suit.

"She is currently unavailable sir, but footage shows that the Venom Symbiote attached to her and disappeared from the Tower," said the AI in response.

"WHAT!?" yelled Peter making some surrounding doctors and nurses jump in fright at the raised voice of the young hero.

"Use the bio signature from the scan to trace for the Symbiote. Find me a place with the highest concentration! And activate the guy in the chair protocol!" said Peter hurriedly.

Ned was sitting with Betty at his house watching the battle between Iron-Man, Spider-Man, Vulture and some weird giant black thing. It was a monster anyway.

The screen turned off from the news and he could see the Avengers medical bay.

"Hey Ned is this on?" asked the voice of Peter.

Ned opened his laptop and connected to Karen.

"Hey Pete we're here," he said into the laptop.

"Ned it's time, we need to activate Spider-Man Returns Protocol. That thing took Michelle, I need you to activate it for me," said Peter with dead seriousness in his voice.

Betty looked to Ned confused. Ned opened a command screen and began typing specialist code. Soon there was a ding sound from the laptop.

"It's done Pete, I'll connect to the Iron Spider Mark 3 now," said Ned with equal seriousness in his voice. Betty couldn't help but admire her boyfriends loyalty to Peter and the way he handled the situation.

"Okay Ned thanks I'll let you know when it's online. I'm gonna shut off the Mark 2 now," stated Peter.

The screen shut off and Ned returned to his laptop.

"Ned what's the Spider-Man Returns Protocol?" she asked with worry.

"Something we hoped would never be used," said Ned in response.

Peter discarded the Iron Spider Mark 2 that he was wearing and made his way to his father's lab. When he entered he completely ignored his father and Mr Toomes and made his way to a panel on the wall.

"Peter what's going on?" asked his father with concern.

"That thing took MJ, I'm getting her back...Spider-Man Returns Protocol is in effect, I said Spider-Man was dead after he's needed more than ever."

Peter placed his palm on the panel and the wall split opening wider as steam bellowed from the depths of the storage unit and within that until was something Tony had never seen before. A suit he had never even heard of. It looked perfect.

 As soon as Peter touched the suit it morphed around his body completely encasing him

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As soon as Peter touched the suit it morphed around his body completely encasing him. He looked to his father through the mask. The lenses widened a little.

"Dad, if it doesn't work out...I love you, Mr Toomes..." At Peter saying his name he became more alert.

"I'm getting both our girls back!" said Peter with determination. His palms faced the floor as the suit began to fly towards the window.

His hud lit up once he established a connection with Ned.

"Ned did you run the scans I sent through?" asked Peter as he zoomed through the sky.

"Yeah I used the Stark satellite and managed to get a scan of the area, it seems that the highest concentration of the Symbiotes energy signature is in a warehouse on pier thirty-five. Warehouse eight, right next to the water.

Peter adjusted his flight to head to the warehouse. He checked his hud and it seemed that he was still a few minutes out.

"Ned if it gets to the point where you know I can't win I need to to activate the Spider Slayer armor and send it. Understand?" asked Peter imploringly.

"Of course, wait Betty wants to talk," said Ned sounding worried.

"Peter, I just want you to know that I'm glad I'm your friend. Make sure that you come back alive and well along with MJ. Cause if you die I'm gonna kill you," she said sounding extremely sincere.

Peter chuckled but soon stopped once he reached the warehouse. He ran a heat scan and picked up three signatures. Two smallest were located close to each other while the biggest was closer to the window.

Peter peered through the window. As he expected it was Venom who was standing there.

Peter crashed through the window and blasted Venom with a high powered repulsor blast. Venom let out a screech in pain but soon recovered. He made to grab at Peter butchers was ready and dodged the attacks.

Venom roared and multiple tendrils shot out attacking home at once. Peter was caught by one and was soon wrapped in the black oily limb of Venom.

"We have been waiting for you Spider-Man," growled Venom mischievously at him.

Peter glanced to the side to see Michelle and Liz tied to chairs, bound and gagged. Michelle and Liz both had tears in their eyes. They were afraid.

Peter knew what to do. It would hurt but it would work.

"Karen, blast the sonics at the highest pitched frequency that this suit can manage!"

A high pitched squeal emitted frothed suit making Venom drop him. Peter took this as his chance and attacked Venom with no mercy. He used his full strength behind each blow. Venom seemed to be shrinking in size with each powerful shot.

Peter slammed Venom into the wall and watched as the beast attempted to find its bearings. Peter repeatedly slammed his fists into the face of Venom. The symbiotic monstrosity collapsed to the floor due to the sheer strength of Spider-Mans attacks.

Peter was panting for breath and approached the two girls. He shit off the sonics in the suit as not to hurt them at close range.

The helmet slash mask retracted into the suit and Peter could see Liz's eyes widen when she saw his face. He ripped the rope holding Michelle down and kissed her passionately for a moment before ripping the ropes that was holding down Liz.

"You okay?" he asked her.

"MICHELLE!" screamed Liz.

Peter spun to see Venom attaching to Michelle. Soon she transformed int She-Venom.

"NOOOOOO!!!" roared Peter.

"YESSSSS! We are VENOM!!!!" roared She-Venom loudly.

"VENOM, LET HER GO!" yelled Peter.

"Why would I do that Spider-Man?" asked the Symbiote while cocking it's head to the side.

Peter thought for a moment and a sickening realisation came to him. It was the only way to save his beloved fiancé without hurting her further.

"Take me in her place, I'll be your host," said Peter in defeat.

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