Chapter 6

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It has been a week.

I used to think that when Tris came home—if she ever did—life would settle back into monotony. That must have been a dream world because life in Dauntless is the exact opposite, a constant whirlwind of chaos and hazards. Especially when it comes to Tris and I; we can never seem to cut a break.

Even now, tucked away in our apartment, there is an underlying tension that I wish wasn't present. But the course of the last few days has taken its toll on us, and I can't even meet her eyes sometimes in fear that something is missing.

The news that Dauntless was in jeopardy spread throughout the compound like wildfire. We didn't need to tell anybody about what was happening; as soon as extra guards were posted all around the compound, the faction went into a frenzy. For months this strain has stretched like elastic with a promise of snapping, and now that there is a direct threat, everyone is anxious. Tapping their feet in the dining hall, flinching every time there is a loud noise. I see it everywhere, and it is omnipresent because they know what is coming.

We have all seen war for what it really is.

There is one thing that has us all set closer to the edge though: the factionless haven't attacked yet.

The faction was bracing for impact, scrambling to prepare for an imminent battle. For days we waited. After all, it was supposed to happen within days of the factionless solidifying their deal with Erudite, whatever it was.

Except, they attacked the Erudite yesterday instead.

I was shocked. Nothing happened, and then suddenly the factionless attacked their ally instead of us. There was no explanation for it because in reality nobody knew what was happening behind the scenes, and we still don't. There has been no news of casualties, and I wonder how the factionless even attacked the Erudite without guns. All we are aware of is that the attack stirred enough trouble that Dauntless soldiers were sent to keep the peace, and they haven't returned yet.

And at first I couldn't help but be skeptical of what Tris claimed she overheard—it happened just minutes after we bickered about my mother, so I had to entertain the idea that she was trying to smear her image even more so since this information didn't line up.

While I didn't exactly accuse her of such a thing because I was almost completely sure that explanation was unreasonable, I did ask if she was positive about what she heard. That was answered by a concrete, vehement yes that wiped my doubts away immediately.

But what this means is that the factionless have strayed from their plan, and we don't even know if they are counting on their Dauntless attack. They may have had to regroup or rethink it completely, which could mean it would be unexpected and weeks down the road.

Hunter doesn't seem to take the threat seriously anymore. After sending Dauntless guards to Erudite, he hasn't pulled others back from other factions to keep us protected. At this point I have to assume he doesn't believe Tris, though he hasn't made any effort to track her down and toss her out.

The whole ordeal is affecting Tris more than anyone, it seems. Inside her mind there is a storm that stirs as time passes and her eavesdropped information is proven false. She is beginning to reflect back on herself, questioning her own hearing. I can tell that she is mulling over the repeated conversation in her spare time. That bone that she constantly gnaws, desperately searching for an answer, is starting to affect us.

We feel far apart. We are the same people we were a few months ago, but with war barreling towards us, we can't trust each other. The silent promise we made not to let war damage our relationship again is cracking.

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