The 'Niblet'...has been stolen (first draft)

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*Camera Pans over an empty and broken studio playing a sickly broken version of the theme song. The preprogramed angles pan over a broken chair and a an empty one.*

?????: Alright, well the camera's are still working but-

*Camera flickers on a handsome dark-haired boy who is much too close to the lens.*

Flint: There, I got it.

Julie: Finally, Dang it captain this is what happens when you poke the Fourth wall too much and break the meta. *messaging her temples*

Flint: He knows, alright let's show them what happened. *Flint picks up the camera and pans over a flickering modern/fantasy/steam punk/sci-fi landscape.*

Julie: the Meta, everyone. Or what is left of it.

Flint: So what happened? Yeah, plot hole. A big one right where everything crosses over.

Julie: Normally, we don't show these things but it's what's been taking so long to get back to you.

Flint: Luckily, we had help, these guys have been keeping things together, one you know, and one you probably don't. *Shakey camera pans to two men, one is a familiar looking elf pirate with a tool belt on. He waves.* You're hero and mine, Cal from the Pearly Tales. For those of you who don't know his story is foundational in the meta.

Julie: And someone you may not know, an unsung hero who may be making an appearance if the meta is worked out. *it shows a young college aged man with short light brown hair* Dexter Wild.

Dexter: Now wait, hold on. *Walks over and puts hand in front of the camera* Don't go showing too much I'm due for an overhaul the only reason I'm here is because the plot hole showed up here. Captain could just kill me off to fix it.

Cal: Nah! *Camera shakes and shows Cal with his arm around him* You and I both know you're Canon.

Dexter: Quit it! *pushes Cal away and brushes off his shirt* I've also been on hiatus since forever. Don't get all uppity since yours has been updated.

Cal: But You're over the origin world, buddy. You're slotted for an update. And I'll be visiting!

Dexter: and it won't be your story so quit getting all cozy.

Cal: It may be in the future but long term the Patreon thing cemented your return.

Dexter: *Grabs Cal by the back of the neck* okay but THIS, this was your fault. *Points at the carnage*

Cal: *Laughs nervously*

Flint: So there you have it. Foxtails 2 has gone under some major progress developmentally. But the whole Meta has been under construction. The ambitiousness of the Storyscape stretches beyond what most authors would every undertake.

Julie: That said, this is the first time the origin earth has been touched beyond the template. At worse Dexter will never appear in his own book, but Origin Earth is his Home. The place where everything connects. Is there anything you'd like to say to the Readers, Dexter?

Dexter: It's going to be a while before I'm more than a Cameo, sooo just accept the teaser for what it is. Now, if you don't mind, I've got work to do. Oh and Captain... Really? How many druids and foxes do you need? *Walks off dragging Cal* Come on punk this is your problem too.

Flint: *Sets the camera down on two chairs. Julie is sitting in one and Flint speaks into the camera before walking toward his chair* And yes, in case you were wondering I am getting overtime.

Julie: Okay, time for some Foxtails updates. There is a formal cover in the Works for Foxtails 1 as a commission. More news when we know more. As of right now there are over 40 new characters that will be making an appearance in Foxtails 2. A few of them are Reader OC's.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 22, 2018 ⏰

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