12. The Crazy Kiss!!!

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Recap: Daksh Interviewing Meenakshi - she got the job.

Abhiram's PoV
Where is this girl? Must be on the duty of advertising herself. Why did she ask me for a channel reporter? She can do the work of 10 channels together with her tongue. Now there is no one remaining in this street to know about her new job. May be in this city too. What do she think about my company God..Pls save my company...

I saw Dadu watching cartoon program with Malu..He is laughing enjoying the scenes.
Who is the real kid here? Dadu or Malu??? This family is really crazy...it's better not to spoil my brain thinking about it.

"Did you see your mad grand daughter?"I asked.
"Who knows where she is?"he asked without shifting his concentration from the TV.
"Hey old man..she is your grand daughter...not anyone to me...why should I tense?"I shouted.
"Arey dont make noise..I can't hear..you both go out and fight..."Malu yelled.
"Yeah that was exactly what I was about to say.."Dadu said continuing what he was doing.

These people... damn it!!!
I didn't talk more and walked outside. I enquired almost all people on the way about her. But they don't know anything about her. While I was passing near a tree, I heard some murmurs and I immediately realized that it's her. I stood behind the back of the tree and leaned to hear her. She was alone and was talking to herself.

She is sitting under the tree with an angry face. Angry enough to kill someone. Who will be that unlucky person who spoiled her mood today? Oh dear..I feel sympathy for him/her.

"What he is thinking about himself? As Mr.Universe??? A donkey having a monkey face...that's all..who told that he is the most handsome man in this street? Yeah.. that Vaishali...poor girl ...Dont know anything about a man's beauty...." I heard her saying with expressions.

I had to try hard to control my laugh. Whom she is scolding? A new one added to her enemy list. Poor man!!!
It's better to jump infront of a train rather than being her enemy. She also have no idea wht she do if she hates someone. And today somebody is going to taste her medicine.

"That donkey don't know abt Meenakshi. He played with the wrong person. I will let him understand who I am." She scolded him.

I chuckled and that was a bit louder. She turned back to see me and her face suddenly changed. She looked at me as if she is thinking something. And then suddenly she smiled. And that smile reminded me that I will be soon in danger.

I was standing still thinking when she came to me and hold my hand. Before I can react she started dragging me.

"Hey where are we going?"I asked trying to stop her.
"Ram..come with me...I want your help.."She said
"For what?"
"To teach someone a lesson..."

Her answer made me shock. What she is up to? Only God knows....Pls save me my almighty. I will be always your devotee if she spare me alive.

We stopped at a play ground where some men were playing cricket. She left my hand and stood at the middle of the ground with her both hands at her hip.

A man walked towards her with rage in his eyes. She glared at him.

"Go away girl before I kick you out from here..."he shouted at her while his friends started laughing.
"What did you say about me? Do you think that you are the only one man in this earth?" She asked.

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