46. Daughter in Law

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Recap: Abhiram weds Meenakshi.

Abhiram's PoV
I woke up hearing the alarm ringing. I jumped up from bed tightly covering both my ears. I instantly switched it off.

"Who set this alarm?"

I looked around to see Meenakshi is missing in bed. I recollected how we again fell onto sleep after that gift search. She was in my arms and now it's a pillow instead of her.

I took the pillow and searched it by holding it in various positions. It's not Meenu. I confirmed. And then I bursted into a laugh thinking about my stupidity.

I went to washroom and did my morning activities. When I came back it was 8 am. I went to the kitchen thinking that she might be present there. But it was only mom I found there.

"Mom, did you see Meenu?"I asked and she gave me a glare.

"Why are you asking me about the person who was sleeping next to you last night?"

"Mom she is missing. I don't know when she woke up and left the room."

"That's because you are too good at sleep. You will not know even if someone kidnaps your wife from your bed."she slapped my arm.

"I don't have that fear. Even if someone show that audacity, he himself drops her back at morning, only if he is alive."I said and she stared at me.

"Your wife went with your dad for a morning walk."she said making me shock.

"She told that she wants to familiarize with this new area. So your dad took her out."Saying that mom went back to her works.

"But mom. It was me who should take her out. Why did Dad?"I said but she neither heard nor responded.

Abhi, it was all your mistake. You should have wake up earlier. I don't know what she will do with dad. I hope she won't trouble him. Oops, if it was me I didn't have to tense like this.

I rushed to our court yard and started waiting for them to come back. 20 minutes passed and then I saw dad running inside crossing the gate and Meenakshi chasing him behind. He was sweating badly making my heart beat fast.

What the hell?

"Dad what happened? Why are you running?"I tried to stop him but he didn't see me. He directly rushed inside and touched a pillar followed by my wife.

"I reached first."dad said with a kid's joy.
"This is not acceptable dad" Meenakshi said making me go weak on my knees.

Did she race with dad? And when did she start calling him dad? Why didn't I know anything that is happening around me?

"Meenu, even at this age you can't match my stamina."Dad said proudly making her frown.

Hearing all the noises, mom came back from kitchen to check on us.

"I didn't want my father in law to lose infront of me on my first day in this house. That's why I let you win." Meenu said.

"Lie...."dad glared.
"No"she said.

Mom was worried seeing a sweating dad.
"What are you all doing here?"she asked seriously. Dad explained everything and soon she sighed.

"Mom you don't worry. I still remember about the marathon I promised with you."Meenu added making me bang my head.
"Sure I will join too."dad said.

I walked towards her and held her hand tightly. I dragged her along with me to our room.
"Dad please save me. Your son is kidnapping me."she shouted and soon I heard a huge laugh from our court yard.

I entered inside our room and left the hold on her hand but not before locking the door from inside.

"Meenu, why didn't you wake me up?"I asked seriously.
"I thought you want some more sleep. I didn't want to disturb you"she replied.

"Wow trying to be an ideal wife? I asked pulling her closer to my chest by holding her waist.
"You have no idea what kinda wife I will become"she winked at me making me chuckle.

"You could have ask me. I would have came with you to show you places."I said pouting.

"Oh my sweet hubby. Dont be so jealous. Next day we will go out together. Promise."she said pulling my cheeks and I laughed loudly.

"I love you babe"I was about to kiss her when we heard someone knocking our door.

"Wow perfect timing. Seriously I didn't see anyone in this house keeping time before my marriage. Now see."I grinned.

"Let me open the door."she pulled back from me and went to open the door.

"Abhi, Meenu...come breakfast is ready."Mom said and we followed her to have the breakfast.

I occupied a seat and dragged another one for her. But she didn't sit.
"Mom, why can't I serve for my in-laws? You please sit down. Let me do this." She took the bowl from mom's hands and served for everyone. I felt very happy.

"Mom, you are very good at cooking. This is so delicious. You must enroll for some cooking competition. Not marathon. I swear you will be the champion."Meenu kept on talking and I was happy as well as relaxed since she goes well with my family. Mom and dad seems to like her. Who won't love my Meenu?

And then we turned to see our door opening with a loud sound and Daksh standing infront of us with a sweating face.

"Daksh....."I muttered.
"Daksh, why did you stop there? Come beta let's have the breakfast."Mom invited him to join us.
"Thank you Aunty. I came just to check whether Abhi is alive."he said and I glared at him.

"Hey nothing...since he is married to Meenu...no no.. since he married Meenu, I just thought to come here and check whether.... she is comfortable here."he stuttered.

"Comfortable? She already became our daughter. If you want you can now take your friend with you. We won't complain. We have another child here."dad said funnily.

But it didn't feel funny for me. I pouted.
"Noone wants me now"

"Anyway I came at right time. Can't wait to taste aunty's food."Daksh already occupied a seat beside us and started eating.

"Wow... Aunty...there is no one on this earth who can make so tasty food like you. You are a cooking goddess."Daksh commented.
Mom served him more and more.

"Are you sure Daksh? What if the food is prepared by me?"Meenu raised her eyebrows at him and she looked at mom confused. Mom simply smiled.

"That is why this food tastes sour. I was wondering how can aunty make mistake. Now I got it."Daksh said and this time mom glared at him. He became pale.

"What? Are you all playing with me?"he looked around and we couldn't stop laughing.

After breakfast, we became busy with our small chit chat. We played video games and helped mom to prepare lunch. After having the lunch together, we left to Meenu's house to see Dadu and Malu. And most importantly to take her hair oil which she forgot to bring.

Precap: Problem begins...

Thank you all for the love. Can't promise an earlier update. Currently busy with so many things in life. Pls wait.

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