34. Surprise Shock

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Recap: His parents love.

Meenakshi was getting ready for office. She was not at all interested in going out. But she had no other option since she can't take leave anymore.

"Meenu here is your lunch."Dadu appeared at the door while she was packing her bag.

"Where is my little sister? Didn't she get ready for school?"she asked while taking the lunch box from Dadu's hand.

"As usual she is lazy but dont worry I will manage her."Dadu assured and she smiled at him.

She was about to move out when she suddenly stopped on her tracks remembering something.

"Dadu are you angry with me?"she asked searching for a reaction on his face. But she didn't find any except shock.
"Why are you asking this?"he asked back.
"I know you are sad because of my action. Not only you, Malu is also talking little with me now a days since I am the one who asked Ram to go with his parents."she said with a sad expression.
"Meenu, it's ok. I can understand you."Dadu consoled her.

"No Dadu. No one can understand me. Everyone thinks that I have no emotions and feelings but the truth is I got hurted more than anyone when he left this house. But I wanted him to go with his parents because I could see the honesty and love in his parents' eyes. You know what. He loves his parents a lot Dadu. He used to tell me about parents love for children. At that time I thought that it's because he is an orphan that he is continuously talking about parents. But after realizing the truth I could understand that he was missing his parents badly eventhough he was happy with us. He tried to commit suicide only because he got ignored by his parents. If his parents' ignorance hurted him this much, that means he loved them more than anyone in his life and they were his life."she said taking a deep breathe.

"If I didn't ask him to go out, he wouldn't have gone with his parents. That will be a big loss for him. I thought that his parents deserve a chance if they are sincere. And more than that if he gets his parents back, I will be too happy."she added.

Dadu moved towards her and held her shoulders.
"Meenu, I am very proud of you."he said making her relaxed.
"So you are not angry with him. Right?"he asked excitedly.
"Who said that?"she asked immediately making his face change.

"Eventhough I want him to be happy, that doesn't mean I forgave him. He lied to all of us. He didn't even feel to share all this with us once. Did you know how many times we discussed about Rohini? That time too he didn't say anything. If he dont feel to be honest atleast to me who saved his life, then I will too behave with him the same way."she pouted.

"But Meenu. I am not justifying him. But he may have his own reasons."He said.
"Yes everyone will have their own reasons. Even a murderer can have reasons to kill people. So what?"she asked and he nodded in agreement without having another way remains to defend Ram.

"Ok I am going."she walked out and he followed her till the entrance.

Meenakshi walked into the office only to be welcomed by Daksh at the entrance of her cabin. She felt suspicious seeing him at unexpected time. She raised her eyebrows and he smiled mischievously at her.

"Good morning boss. Seems like you were waiting for me."she said.
"Yes ofcourse Ms.Meenakshi." he replied.
"But why?"she asked while entering into the cabin.

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