13. First Day At Work!!!

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Recap: Meenakshi kissing Abhiram.

It's the first day of Meenakshi in Khanna Constructions. She came to the office at right time. She has been welcomed by the staffs in a good way since they got prior order from Daksh. She was wondered with all this. It's the first time she is getting such a treatment. The peon showed her the cabin which includes a chair and table only. She took the seat proudly. She started enjoying the surroundings where few staffs are working and some are talking with each other.
She went to the side where people are talking and started talking with them. It was then Daksh passed by that side. He noticed that Meenakshi talking well with the staffs as if she knows them before. No one noticed his presence. He leaned to hear her conversation.

"You know what...Our original boss is a pervert.."Meenakshi said making Daksh gasp.

The other staffs looked at her in shock.
"Who told you this non sense? Our boss is a gentleman...he won't even look at a girl's face. And you know what..he even fired one of our previous employee for disturbing a female staff..."one of the lady commented.

"But our new boss..I mean Daksh sir has given me this information...he even warned me to take care after he join back.."she said thinking.

Oh god.. what this girl is telling them? She will get me killed on her first day itself. Can't she shut her mouth?
Daksh thought.

"Now I got it...he is jealous of our gentleman boss.. that's why Daksh sir is misleading us..cheap man..."Meenakshi presented her findings.

Daksh lost all control hearing it and he appeared infront of them. The staffs became alert except Meenakshi.
"I know a lot about Daksh sir. More than you all know..."Meenakshi said in excitement unaware of his presence behind her.

"Oh do you know more than me too?" Daksh asked and she turned back. Her smile faded away and she became pale seeing him. The others giggled when he glared at her.
"Ms. Meenakshi...come to my cabin..." He ordered and left. Meenakshi looked at her both sides without knowing what to do.
Daksh's PoV
This girl spoiled my image infront of whole staffs within a single day. What she is actually? Abhi..you are the reason for all this. See..what she is doing here?

"May I get in Sir?"
And here she is... ofcourse you have to get in..I am waiting only for you.
"Yes... come inside..."
I remembered how she entered inside without asking permission on the interview day. When did she learn this manners?

"Hai Sir..Good morning.."she said in a nervous tone.
"What do you think you are? I appointed you here only to do the jobs I am giving..not for spreading gossips.."I said in a harsh tone.

She pouted.
"Why are you not opening your mouth now?" I asked
"Sir...I....I was about to do my job..but this...ladies didn't allow me to..."
"Stop it....."I shouted at her.
"Why are you shouting at me man? What do you think you are?" She asked me.

Did she ask me that?
"Be calm and listen... shouting will only increase your anger...First of all, I haven't said anything wrong...if you can tell bad about your best friend, why can't I tell something I know about my boss?" She said

Abhi...it's better you join back and manage your special recommended staff yourself. I can't..she will eat my brain.

"What happened Sir?"she asked.
"I am sorry..if you dont like, I won't open my mouth anymore...coming to office, doing my job, returning home... that's all..."she said.

I gave her a disbelief look.
"You can believe me sir..I am the most trustable person on earth."she said stressing the last lines.
I was wondered.

"Ok you can go to your cabin..I will ask someone to explain your job." I said and she turned to leave.

Suddenly she stopped and looked at me.
"I am really sorry..I won't talk to anyone hereafter.." she said with a sad face.
"Its ok..you go.."I said smiling.
And she left.

I took out my phone and dialled Abhi. I know their land phone number. And most probably it will be only him who attends the call this time.
"Hello..who is this?" As expected it was him who attended.
"Abhi.."I yelled.
"Hey.. Dont shout...my ear will damage."he said.
"I have fed up with your stupid girl..."I said.
"No wonder...I too.."he said making me surprise.

"Tell me man.. what happened now?"he asked and I told the entire story to him. When I finished he started laughing. I clenched my fist.
"Stop this Rey before I kill you.."I shouted.

"Dont worry..she is not that stupid...she will do her work perfectly." He assured.
"My only relief is her promise now."I said.
"What promise?" He asked in a confused tone.
"Arey..she told me that she won't open her mouth hereafter... hope she won't destroy my image anymore.."I informed him.
"And did you believe her?"he asked suddenly.
"Why not?"
"Then go and check what she is doing now." He said.
"What's wrong with you Abhi?"
"Just go and check her." He repeated.

I ended the call and walked outside the cabin to check her. She was not there in her cabin. I went to the other section and my mouth opened involuntarily. She is sitting on a table and talking loudly with the staffs. Almost every one gathered around her and listening to her. I wondered whether this is the same girl who said to not open her mouth just before a few minutes ago.

"What are you all doing here?"I asked loudly.
Within a second, everyone vanished. Now only she is remaining...still sitting on the table. I moved towards her and she jumped down.
And she gave me her most innocent smile.

This time I glared at her. Her face changed into a guilty expression.
"Didn't you say that you won't open your mouth?"I asked seriously.
"I tried my maximum...but..."
"But what?" I asked more loudly this time.

"You are the most trustable one..isn't it?" I asked and she smiled at me.
But nothing can pacify me now.
"Why are you not answering?" I shouted fed up with her silence.
"You told to not open my mouth.."she said.

I placed my hands on my hip.
"See... this will be exactly what happen when someone ask something to us. Even if we decides to shut our mouth, how can we be silent when they ask me questions? " She said


"Your staffs...they are asking about me...you should fire them first... otherwise I can't keep quiet.."

"You have to complete your works before 12 pm... otherwise you wouldn't get lunch today.."I ordered her.
She left after nodding.
I decided to be little firm around her. Otherwise she will start ruling me.

Precap: Meenakshi 's smile fading away - A little view into her problems.

A few words about Daksh:

Daksh is a fun loving man. A mini version of Meenakshi. No matter how much life is stressed, he wants to always enjoy. Life had practised him in such a way. He lost his both parents when he was a child. He have been adopted by his uncle's family who gave him a new life. He loved them like his own parents. And then Abhiram entered into his life. He became his best friend and an unofficial brother. Daksh is a man who will do anything for his loved ones. He wants a smile on everyone around him. He will go to any extent for that. If he loves anything more than Burger, it's Abhi.

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