41. Reverse Strategy

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Recap: Meenakshi's parents' death anniversary - she is shouting at Ram - He is leaving angrily.

"Abhi, where are you?" Dhana entered into her son's room. She was worried about him since it's been a long time he is sitting alone at his room. She asked him many times about the reason why he came early from office today. But he didn't say anything, only requested to leave him alone for a while.

She travelled her eyes across his room but he was nowhere found. She was about to check the washroom when two legs on the balcony floor got her attention. She immediately moved towards the balcony only to see her son sitting at the floor in a shattered state. She sat beside him and shook him.

"Abhi, I am asking you for a long time. Now you should answer. What happened at office?"she asked cupping his face with her hands.

"Everything happened mom. Infact there is nothing remaining to be happened now."

"What? Are you not on your senses? Wait did you drunk?"she asked smelling him. She sighed in relief realizing that he is not.

"Yes I drunk a whole bottle of cold water you kept on fridge."

"Abhi how can I know if you don't tell me what happened? Do you want me to call Daksh and ask him?" She held her head.

"Why to disturb him? Let him live happily."

"Then answer me. Why are you so sad?"she asked again.
"Meenakshi. She dont love me."he said making her shock.

"I am just a friend and colleague for her. I was wrong in understanding her. You were also wrong."he yelled.

"Did she say it?"his mom asked anxiously.
"Not exactly. But she told me."
He detailed everything that happened in office.

"My dear boy. Let's discuss about it later. Now come with me. I will give you something to eat."she said caressing his hairs with so much of love.

"No mom. You tell me. Why can't she love me? Am I not beautiful? Am I not good? Am I...."

"Abhi, leave it. She might have told it because of her bad mood. Why are you taking it so serious?"Dhana spoke interfering him.

"Mom I want answers. Tell me did I ever disturb her with my love? Did I run behind her to make her confess? Didn't I give her space to think? Didn't I wait patiently? Didn't I support her for everything? Why did she then tell that I don't value her friendship even after doing all this for her?"he started thinking holding his chin with his fingers.

Dhana smiled at her son's innocence.

"I am so confused mom. May be she is not loving me. That's why...."

"Abhi, just wait."
"Hmm..what?"he raised his eyebrows.

"Do you know how much your dad waited to hear an I Love You from me? 5 years....!!!"she asked making him widen his eyes.

"Are you telling about that rude dad of mine? Are you sure? He waited for 5 years??? Did he really propose you or threaten you?"he asked with big eyes.

"Dont call him rude. He was so sweet that time. We were good friends during our college days. And then one day he proposed me pushing me into a dilemma."

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