Part 1: Sarah Jane Smith

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Many years ago Sarah Jane Smith had the most incredible life. She spent her days traveling the stars with the most amazing man she had ever met. The Doctor and Sarah Jane fought monsters and rescued civilizations together, and Sarah Jane thought that it would never end. But suddenly it did, and Sarah Jane was just another ordinary human back on Earth.

Even now at the age of 37 Sarah Jane still dreams about The Doctor and their incredible adventures together. Sarah Jane found it hard adjusting to life back on Earth, after everything she had seen she viewed life through new eyes. So when she got back to Earth she continued to pursue the career of investigative journalist. But now she has a more focused area, she looks for anything suspicious, anything that she thinks could be alien. The main reason why she does this is because she hopes that one of these stories may lead her straight to The Doctor once again.

It was a warm summers evening in Ealing and Sarah Jane was sitting on a wooden bench in the garden of the house she had recently purchased on Bannerman road. She had just finished decorating the house and it was starting to feel like home to her. Sarah Jane had no husband and no children but she did have one companion, a dog. Her dog wasn’t any normal household pet however; he was a robot from the future named K9. K9 was Sarah Jane’s best friend and she was very fond of him.

“Do you like your new home K9?” Sarah Jane asked her friend happily.

“Affirmative Mistress.” K9 said.

The two of them were perfectly happy to sit there together, just looking up at the night sky. Sarah Jane was staring at a constellation just above her head dreamily, not really seeing it as she thought back to her time with The Doctor, the only man she had ever loved. Suddenly a large rock hurtled within her line of sight. Sarah Jane bolted upright, following the rock with her eyes until it disappeared from sight.

“K9 what was that?” Sarah Jane asked, alarmed.

“Scans suggest that it is of extra terrestrial origin.” K9 said simply.

“What species?” She asked, getting excited.

“Unknown Mistress.” K9 said. Sarah Jane instantly rose from her seat, her heart pounding in her chest; this was one of the opportunities she waited for.

Sarah Jane hurriedly grabbed her coat and car keys and ran to her car, K9 following close behind.

“Do you know where that came down K9?” Sarah Jane asked as the engine sprang into life.

“Affirmative. 20 miles North Mistress.” K9 said. Sarah Jane immediately took off in the direction K9 had said at an alarming speed. Sarah Jane didn’t have much with her; only a device she had invented called her sonic lipstick, fashioned after The Doctor’s screwdriver.

Sarah Jane loved this bit. She didn’t know what she was going to find or how dangerous it would be, but she didn’t care. Every time she met an alien and did a little of what she and The Doctor had done she felt closer to him.

Finally Sarah Jane came to a stop beside a children’s play park. Luckily it was almost 10pm and the park was empty, as most of the equipment had been crushed by the large rock.

Sarah Jane and K9 got carefully out of the car and looked at the strange sight. The rock had partially buried itself in the ground and there was smoke rising due to the crash. They cautiously approached the crash sight.

“K9, do a quick can and see if it is dangerous.” Sarah Jane ordered, not taking her gaze away from the rock.

“Scans suggest that there is no danger Mistress.” K9 said. Sarah Jane slowly reached out her hand towards the rock. The rock felt warm, but nowhere near as warm as she had been expecting.

“We haven’t got long K9, U.N.I.T. will be here any minute.” Sarah Jane mumbled, more to herself than to the dog. She pulled out her sonic lipstick and pointed it towards an edge of the rock, after a second a piece of the rock snapped off into her hand.

“Mistress, unknown alien species detected.” K9 said in what could almost be an anxious voice. Sarah Jane spun her head from side to side to try and find the alien, but she couldn’t. Then she saw it. A pink/purple gas was leaking out of the rock where Sarah Jane had just cut. The gas hung in the air for a moment between the rock and Sarah Jane. Sarah Jane backed away from it, her pulse was quickening from fear as she stared at the strange gas. She raised her sonic lipstick and pointed it at the gas but before she could think of what to do the gas speed towards her and Sarah Jane felt it engulf her body.

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