Part 4: Positive

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Sarah Jane Smith woke up happily in her bed at number 13 Bannerman Road the next morning. She didn’t remember any of the events of last night. All she knew was that she and K9 had sat out in the garden for an hour and then she had went to bed. She had no reason to think any differently so she got on with her day as usual. She made herself a healthy breakfast and waited for the newspaper to arrive. When it did she took it up to her attic where she had a comfy chair, a bookcase, a writing desk and a few alien artifacts she had collected over the years. As usual she opened up the newspaper and scanned it for anything that could possibly be alien related.

“Meteorite destroys children’s park. Do you think that could be alien related K9?” Sarah Jane asked her robotic dog.

“Negative Mistress.” K9 said.

“I guess you’re right. We’ll just have to keep our eyes open for something else.” Sarah Jane said with a sigh.

“Affirmative Mistress.” K9 replied, waging his metal tail. Sarah Jane had no idea that her dog was under orders to lie to her. At around 2pm Sarah Jane went out for a walk to the shops, hoping to overhear someone talking about something suspicious they had seen, but no such luck. She went home, read a few chapters of a novel and went to bed. This continued for a few weeks. She would search and search for alien activity but come up with nothing.

One warm August night Sarah Jane was lying in bed reading the novel ‘Little Women’ for the tenth time. She was beginning to feel drowsy so she put the book down and rolled over, waiting for sleep to take over, but it didn’t. She lay awake for hours, she tried distracting herself by thinking about her travels with the Doctor, hell she even tried counting sheep, but nothing would work. At around 4 in the morning she was finally beginning to drift off to sleep when a wave of nausea washed over her unexpectedly. She bolted out of bed quickly and ran straight to the bathroom where she was violently sick into the toilet bowl.

Sarah Jane thought nothing of it and brushed her teeth before climbing into bed, this time she was asleep within seconds.

Sarah Jane slept in a lot longer than usual the next morning but when she got up she still felt extremely tired, despite the fact that it was almost midday. Sarah Jane walked down to her kitchen to make herself some breakfast, well it was more like lunch now, to find K9 waiting for her.

“Good morning K9.” Sarah Jane said to her dog as she took a bowl and a box of cereal out of the cupboard.

“Good morning mistress.” K9 said happily. Sarah Jane was just walking towards the table when a sudden dizzy spell hit her and she had to clutch onto the kitchen counter for support.

“Mistress. Are you well?’” K9 asked her; even though he was just a robot he seemed concerned.

“I’m fine K9.” Sarah Jane said as the dizziness left her. She walked on over to the table and sat down with her cereal. The second the cold spoon hit her tong she felt the nausea that had plagued her during the night take over again. She didn’t have time to run to a bathroom so she was sick down the kitchen sink.

Sarah Jane rinsed out her mouth before turning to her dog.

“K9, do a med scan. Do I have the flu?” Sarah Jane asked. A thin metal pole with a small device on the end came out of the top of K9’s nose as he scanned her.

“Med scans detect a life form living inside you mistress.” K9 said simply. As soon as K9 said this Sarah Jane started to panic. What could have gotten inside her? Was it an alien parasite? If so could she get it out before it killed her?

“K9 what species is it?” Sarah Jane asked in a terrified voice.

“Human Mistress.” K9 said. Sarah Jane froze.

“How can it be human? There isn’t anything human that could do this K9, scan again.” Sarah Jane ordered, looking down at her flat stomach, what could possibly be in there?

“Scans are conclusive Mistress. You are harboring a human fetus.” Sarah Jane had immediately dismissed this possibility. She hadn’t been with anyone in that way for almost 6 months.

“K9, are you telling me that I’m pregnant?” Sarah Jane asked, she had never been more confused in her entire life.

“Affirmative Mistress.” K9 said.

“That isn’t possible K9.” Sarah Jane said firmly.

“Mistress the scans were conclusive.” K9 insisted.

“Well then tell me how developed the fetus is.” Sarah Jane said.

“The human fetus has been developing for 3 weeks and 2 days.” K9 said in a voice that almost sounded bored.

“You’re wrong.” Sarah Jane told her dog. She ran upstairs and threw on some clothes and a coat, not really paying attention to it. She grabbed her car keys from the bowl beside the door and left the house. She quickly drove to the nearest pharmacy, which was only a few minutes away. She hurriedly got out of the car and walked inside, a little faster than she usually would have. She walked straight over to the infant section and grabbed a home pregnancy test.

“Congratulations, I hope it’s positive.” The cashier said with a smile.

“Yeah, thanks.” Sarah Jane said absentmindedly, handing over the money she owed and rushing out if the pharmacy again.

She sped home with the little bag containing the test on the seat beside her. She couldn’t help glancing at it as she drove, what that thing told her could change her future. But surely it would be negative. It had to be.

As soon as she pulled her little car into the driveway she was out of it, bag in hand. When she got inside she headed straight for her bathroom without removing her coat, ripping the box open as she went. While she took the test she read the instructions, they seemed simple enough.

Waiting for the results of the test was the hardest part. She paced her bathroom while she waited. In her head she went over everything that had happened the past month, trying to figure out how she could have got pregnant, but she came up with nothing.

Finally it was time to look at the test. She couldn’t help but close her eyes as she picked it up from beside the sink with shaking fingers. Slowly Sarah Jane opened her eyes and looked down at the home pregnancy test in her hands. It was positive.

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