Part 7: She looks just like you Sarah

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As Sarah Jane looked at her newborn baby daughter she couldn’t help thinking about that man who had held her hand during the birth. He was so nice and helped her through one of the hardest parts of her life, and all she knew about him was his name. John and that girl’s kindness made Sarah Jane glad to be human; there was such good in the world, even though a lot of the time it went unnoticed.

Sarah Jane had decided to name her daughter Victoria, and she loved her more than she had ever thought possible. Sarah Jane started thinking back to her time in the Tardis less and less as she spent time with her daughter. Now she didn’t want to be back with the Doctor again, all she wanted was to see her little girl grow up.

One day, about 3 months after Victoria was born, Sarah Jane was standing in the kitchen cooking lunch when she heard the doorbell ring.

“K9, keep an eye on Victoria.” She told her dog; Victoria was fast asleep in a carrycot.

As soon as Sarah Jane opened the front door a huge smile spread across her face.

“Hello Sarah.” John said.

“John! It’s so nice to see you again!” She said happily, going to shake his hand, but then John wrapped his arms around her in a tight hug.

“Come in.” She said, stepping back and gesturing for John to walk into the living room.

“How are you doing?” John asked as he followed her direction.

“I’m great, really great.” Sarah Jane said, following him in.

“And how is your daughter?”

“Victoria is amazing.” Sarah Jane said with a smile.

“Victoria. That’s a beautiful name, it suits her.” He replied, smiling slightly to himself.

“Would you like to see her?” Sarah Jane asked.

“Oh yes, I’d like that very much.” John said. Sarah Jane left John in the living room and walked into the kitchen where K9 was watching over Victoria.

“K9 that man I was telling you about is here, so please hide, he can’t see you.” Sarah Jane said to her dog. K9 wasn’t asked to hide very often as Sarah Jane rarely had any visitors. But K9 instantly obliged and hid in a small room off the kitchen.

Sarah Jane picked up Victoria who instantly woke up and began screaming.

“Shush.” Sarah Jane whispered as she cradled the little girl. She rocked Victoria from side to side and walked back into the living room. John was standing there a little awkwardly, just looking around. He turned his head towards the door as Victoria’s screams got louder. As soon as he saw her a huge smile spread across his face, despite the fact that the object of his affections was screaming her head off.

“Can I hold her?” John asked, not taking his eyes off her.

“Of course.” Sarah Jane said. Carefully she placed Victoria in John’s arms, and immediately the wailing stopped.

“She looks just like you Sarah.” John said, rocking her from side to side.

“You think? I don’t really see it.” Sarah Jane said, sitting down on a plush armchair.

“Oh yes, the resemblance is uncanny.” John said, still not shifting his gaze, he seemed mesmerized with Victoria.

“Thank you.”

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