Part 3: Pussy Palace

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The Doctor didn’t have time to chase after her, instead he ran into the Tardis.

“Doctor, can you tell me what is going on yet?” Rose asked, following him inside.

“I don’t know Rose! I don’t. Something is inside Sarah Jane, and I need to find out what.” The Doctor said quickly. He grabbed the screen and spun it towards him.

“Now if we can find Sarah Jane I need to do a bio scan. She was in pain, we need to know what this thing is doing to her body.” The Doctor said, starting to flick controls.

“But Doctor, Sarah Jane is probably out there right now having sex with some random man, we need to stop her!” Rose said urgently.

“You’re right. The Tardis can lock onto her and we can follow her, just give me a minute.” He muttered, staring intently at the screen as the Tardis moved into flight mode.

“Ok, I’ve got her. She’s in a place called Pussy Palace.” The Doctor said as if this was the most normal thing in the world.

“Doctor, that’s a lap dancing club!” Rose said, not able to restrain a slight giggle.

“Well for an alien who lives off orgasmic energy it is the perfect place to go.” The Doctor said. The familiar sound of the Tardis materializing in a new place started up as the Tardis landed. This time The Doctor grabbed his long trench coat before leaving the Tardis, but he didn’t put it on.

They walked out of the Tardis to find themselves at the back of a huge line of people.

“Now what do we do?” Rose groaned, looking at the queue of around 40 people.

“Luckily we have this.” The Doctor said, taking out his physic paper with a cheeky smile. The Doctor and Rose walked up to the front of the queue where there were two very large bouncers.

“Nightclub inspector.” The Doctor said, holding up the physic paper and walking past him confidently.

“Not you too love.” The bouncer said, holding out his arm to stop Rose from walking in.

“No but she’s with me.” The Doctor said.

“I don’t care mate, she can wait out here, I’m sure you won’t take long.” The bouncer said. The Doctor ran a hand through his hair frantically, trying to think of a way to get Rose in quickly before anything happened to Sarah Jane.

The Doctor was about to tell Rose just to go wait in the Tardis when Rose grabbed the bouncer’s shirt and pulled him towards her into a forceful kiss.

“Ok then, go ahead.” He said a little breathlessly, stepping aside.

“What did you do that for?” The Doctor asked; a little shocked as Rose walked over to him.

“I’ve been doing that since I was 17, I know how to get into clubs.” Rose said, earning her raised eyebrows from the Doctor. Rose walked on into the club and a slightly impressed Doctor followed her.

The Doctor had to cover his ears as he entered the club, there was music blasting everywhere and he could feel it pulsing through the floor.

“It’s a bit loud!” He shouted at Rose who just shook her head.

“Doctor we need to find Sarah Jane!” Rose yelled back and the Doctor nodded. However this was easier said than done. The club was full of people drinking and dancing. There were women on raised platforms dancing around poles in provocative costumes and then there were even more women dancing beside and on top of men.

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