Part 5: The blonde woman and the skinny man.

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Sarah Jane couldn’t believe her eyes. She had thought for sure that K9 had been wrong, because there was no way she could be pregnant. It was completely impossible for someone to fall pregnant without having sex. She placed her hands on her flat stomach, could there really be a baby in there?

After a few moments Sarah Jane ran downstairs again.

“K9 do another scan, scan for any alien interference with this pregnancy.” Sarah Jane ordered. It was the only possibility she could think of. Even if she was carrying a human child it didn’t mean it was a natural pregnancy.

“No extra terrestrial interference detected Mistress.” K9 told her.

Sarah Jane didn’t understand what was going on, and she didn’t know how she was going to either.

Sarah Jane’s pregnancy progressed like a normal human one dispelling her fears. Even though at first she had feared the thing growing inside her she had grown to love her baby with all her heart. Sarah Jane didn’t know much about this baby but she knew that it was hers. As her bump grew she stopped searching for aliens everywhere she went, she didn’t want to put her unborn child in danger, even though it wasn’t planned she was still looking forward to holding her baby in her arms, and maybe the birth would bring with it a few answers.

A heavily pregnant Sarah Jane was sitting alone in her living room one day in mid April when she felt a sharp pain in her abdomen. She dropped the newspaper she had been reading and instantly made a grab for her stomach. The pain went away quickly so Sarah Jane relaxed. A few minutes later the pain stabbed her again, only this time it was a little worse. Sarah Jane awkwardly pushed herself to her feet just as she felt water splash down her leg. The baby was coming. The pain hit her again, this time it was so strong that is forced her to emit a panicked scream.

Sarah Jane staggered to the door. She had to stop and grip onto the table beside the door for support as she screamed from the pain of another contraction.

Sarah Jane fumbled with the keys as she locked the door behind her. How was she meant to get herself to the hospital in this state, she could barely stand! Sarah Jane made it over to her car before another contraction hit her. She dropped the keys as she held onto the bonnet for support, letting out another tortured cry.

“Excuse me miss, are you alright?” A woman who was passing by with her boyfriend asked.

“I’m fine!” Sarah Jane gasped through the pain. The woman looked down at Sarah Jane’s bulging stomach.

“We need to get you to hospital. John help her into the car.” The woman said to her boyfriend. Sarah Jane felt a strong arm support her body and lead her towards the passenger seat of her car. Sarah Jane was so terrified about the having her baby she didn’t even think twice about the fact she was in her car with two complete strangers.

The woman got in behind the wheel and started up the car. Sarah Jane had never seen her before; she looked like she was only in her early twenties. She was a thin, pretty girl with blonde hair that brushed her shoulders. The man didn’t look too much older than her; he too was very skinny. He had spiked up hair and was wearing a brown suit. Before Sarah Jane could say anything to either of them as another contraction took over her body and she screamed in agony. They were closer together now and were getting more painful each time.

As the woman pulled the car out of her driveway Sarah Jane was so focused on breathing through the pain that she didn’t notice the vibrant blue police box parked right beside her house.

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