Chapter 14

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The next Saturday

I sat on the train, watching blurs of orange and brown fly past.
The leaves on the trees were losing their green colour, meaning autumn was arriving.
I smiled slightly to myself; I love autumn.
It's basically an excuse to drink way too much hot chocolate, snuggle up in blankets twenty four hours a day, and binge watch horror films.

I glanced at my watch, breathing a sigh of relief when I realised that this long three and a half hour journey was coming to an end.

I turned my music off, pulling out my headphones and grinning to myself.

The train slowly came to a halt, and the doors opened, letting passengers off.

I got up off my seat, grabbed my backpack and left the train, stepping out onto the platform.

I looked around for a tall boy with deep black hair, trying to spot Phil.

I was about to turn around before someone leapt on to me, making me stumble backwards,
I let out a small gasp and tried to keep my balance as Phil hugged my tight.

I hugged him back, resting my face in the crook of his neck.
"I've missed you" He muttered.
I laughed quietly, feeling my cheeks heat up.
"It's only been a week." I told him.
"Exactly, that's too long." He told me.
I giggled and rolled my eyes, "I've missed you too."

He smirked and beckoned for me to walk over to a small black car.
"My mum will drive us back, I hope you don't mind." He smiled.
"No it's fine." I replied, before thanking Phil for opening the car door.
I clambered into the backseat, and put my seatbelt on, saying hi to his mum.

"How was the journey Dan, it was quite a way!" Phil's mum exclaimed, in her strong northern accent.
"It was alright actually." I told her truthfully.
She nodded, starting the car, "That's good dear."

The drive back to Phil's house was pleasant.
I expected it to be full of awkward small talk and long silences, but thankfully we kept a comfortable conversation going the whole time.

His mum pulled up outside their house, and turned round smiling at us.

"You boys go in, I need to pop to the shops to get some dinner for tonight, are you staying till then?" She asked.

I turned to Phil, realising we hadn't discussed this.
"You can stay if you want." He shrugged, with a small smile.
I grinned, "If that's okay."

She nodded happily, "Of course it is!"

We climbed out to the car and watched as Phil's mum drove off.

Phil turned to me and nudged me softly with his shoulder.
"Let's go in." He smiled, walking up the pathway towards his house.

I followed after him and waited for him to unlock the door, the sound of his keys jangling by the lock.

"I haven't really planned anything to be honest." He told me.
I shrugged, "That's fine, I guess we can just chat."

So that's what we did.

We talked for hours about things from our favourite food to our home life.

"My parents are cool with most things I do to be honest." Phil shrugged.
I sighed quietly, " I wish my parents were like that."

"What are they like?" Phil asked.
I shrugged, "Dunno, they usually ignore me and when they're not they're asking me to do shit for them or they're yelling at me,"

Phil gave me a sympathetic look, "I'm sorry."

I gave him a small smile, "Nah, it's alright."
He shuffled closer to me and paused for a second before speaking, "Do you ever wish you were.. you know, like.. I don't know."
I frowned, "What?"

He furrowed his eyes brows, "I don't know really. Sometimes I'm just bored of being Phil. Like, all I am is some boring teenage boy from Manchester, I just wish I was.. important."

I raised an eyebrow, "You're important to me. Your videos got me through shit times, they still do. I don't know where I'd be without you."

He nodded, "Yeah I know. I'm just being stupid, I just feel like I'm not enough sometimes."

"You are Phil, trust me. I wish I had as many subscribers as you." I laughed.
He smirked, "You will, you'll probably over take me one day."

I rolled my eyes playfully, "Yeah I doubt that."
He gave me a small smile and shook his head, leaving us in a comfortable silence for a while.

"Do you think we'll get anywhere with this YouTube thing?" I asked him.
He nodded, "If we want it enough, which I do.."
"So do I." I admitted.

"I wanna impact peoples lives positively for once.." I whispered.

"We will." Phil muttered.

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