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Hey, so obviously I haven't posted any chapters for a while. That's due to school, homework, home life and lots of emotions that are really putting me down lately. I haven't been feeling very well, emotionally or mentally, so I have lost the motivation and creativity to keep writing this story. Until things brighten up for me, the weight of the world isn't on my shoulders anymore, the stress and anxiety are almost to completely gone, I am putting this story on hold for a while. I'm not sure how long it will be until I can update it but I hope you've enjoyed it this far. If I ever have any free time on my hands and actually have an idea for future chapters, I'll update it. But that is highly unlikely. Not for a little while anyway. 

Sorry if this was kind of lengthy but I just wanted to put that out there. I hope you've liked the book so far and will wait patiently for more chapters in the future. I'm honestly not sure how many will read this, or even care, but I just felt like I had to explain why there haven't been any new chapters. And if you have ideas for chapters, please let me know. 

So, until things get better for me and until the next chapter, I will see you in the next one. Bye!

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