Scene 22

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Arthit was half-asleep as he let the make-up artist do her magic on his face when he heard it. P' Ley, his make-up artist seems to have finished his make-up and now answering a call on her phone.

"I told you it's not about the sex." She said, trying to be discreet by lowering her voice and cupping one of her hand to the phone. Nonetheless, Arthit heard it and blinked at her. She smiled apologetically but he brushed it off. she then listened to the caller for a little bit before rolling her eyes.

"Now is not the time to talk about it. I'll call you back later, okay kha?" P' Ley decisively ended the call. "Sorry about that, N' Arthit. Girls' problem." She said to him shrugging nonchalantly.

"What is it about sex?" Arthit was honestly intrigued. It might seem to be intrusive, but P' Ley is an open-minded person, and it's not the first time she talks aloud about sex in front of him.

"Well, you know how it is. My friend thinks her man is going to break up with her, even though she always gave in to have sex with him." P' Ley immediately replied.

"Aw, that's not very nice of him." Arthit frowned. The older women giggled, though.

"Ah.. N' Arthit, it might happen to you, you know. Because if it's just about sex, it'll be boring." She commented.

"Eh?" now Arthit was really confused.

"It's not always about doing sex or not doing sex, how often or how rare we do it. you know, if we can't spice it up, it'll be just an old boring vanilla sex." She said dismissively.

"Er.. so women have strategies to avoid that?" it was news to Arthit but P' Ley smiled proudly at him.

"Of course. Well, I guess men should have something like that too, but you might know about it more." She winked at him. "For some of us, we have to get ourselves ready before we can have sex. And if we can't play it right, it's only our lost."

"Aw. Then.. what did you do?" Arthit feels like this will also applied to him. it's embarrassing that he never had sex with someone, and.. because he is with Kong now..

As he listened about P' Ley's secret strategy, all he had in his mind was.. "I can outwit my drunken self with this."


As usual, Arthit stayed the night at Kong's and now they're just cuddling in bed. Kong used times like this to kiss him silly, and more importantly, kissing his neck and ears because he said it was exclusively his privilege as Arthit's lover. He doesn't really have a complaint, beside feeling ticklish on that spots.

"Kong.." he said once his lover satisfied his thirst for kissing his neck. Kong once grumbled that he can't leave a mark on him (because of their profession and fans would certainly see it) so he could only quench it with kissing Arthit's neck hundreds of time.

"Khrub, P' Arthit?" his lover answered him with eyes closed. Kong was laying on his chest, enjoying listening his heartbeats.

"You know.. the thing we talked about sometime ago.." Arthit embarrassingly started.


"How we should be ready to have sex." He forced himself to say it.

"Yeah? what about it?" Kong still lied peacefully on his chest, seemingly lazy to move.

"I.. have think about it. what to do and such." Arthit admitted. Then, Kong slowly raised his head until they could stare at each other fully. There's a mix of pampering and mirth in those eyes.

"What is it, Phi? Let's hear about it." his lover said, lovingly brushing his hair.

"Well. First.."

Arthit knew, that Kong won't mind waiting. And he also knew that his lover is up for the next challenge. After all, they had to keep their relationship interesting, right?


A/N : This is it, guys~ sorry for the open ending. But it's what I pictured how this ff end from the very start. Thank you for all your lovely comments and votes! let's meet up in another ff na~

And, if you guys want to say hi, I'm going to continue working with my barely started ff, "A Quiet Lullaby".

Bye for now~ ^^/

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