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'I am so royally fucked' Jisoo thought to herself as she made her way up to her best friend's door, looking up at the night sky helplessly.

Jisoo thought that she could avoid the infamous Kissing Game until she graduated, but luck was never on her side. She had been walking through the halls, heading to her next class with her head facing the ground, when she caught a glimpse of Lisa literally running at her with a shit eating grin spread across her face.

"Hey Chu" Lisa greeted as she reached the shorter girl.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm going to hate you after this conversation?"Jisoo asked as she eyed Lisa suspiciously.

"Because you are" Lisa said, her grin turning wicked. "I completed the Kissing Game, so now I must pass the torch to my next victim of choice."

See, the Kissing Game is a tradition that all of the seniors at Jisoo's high school ended up participating in, whether they wanted to or not. And they had absolutely no choice of who they ended up kissing. The rules are that a person is dared to walk up to the person they were dared to kiss, kiss them, and then hide, while the other person had to find the original person and kiss them back. They could continue as long as they'd like, but they both had to kiss each other once before they could give up. Once they finished, they make someone else play by telling them who to kiss. And the cycle continues on and on and on.

Jisoo was praying she'd never have to participate, finding it absolutely disgusting that it essentially forced students to kiss people that they didn't even want to kiss at times. So she just kept her head down, stayed away from people who were obsessed with the game, and went about her days antisocially. The only people she ever talked to were Yeri, Lisa, Chaeng, and Jennie, and yet that still did nothing to help her chances at keeping away from the game.

"Are you fucking kidding me?! Lisa you know I hate the Kissing Game!" Jisoo whisper-shouted, grabbing the taller girl's arm aggressively.

"I do, but rules are rules. And at least I'm not making you kiss Lipless or anyone else awful, so you can at least thank me for that" Lisa said as she smacked Jisoo's hand away.

"Then who the fuck am I kissing?!"

"Jennie" Lisa shrugged nonchalantly, but her eyes glimmered with mischief.

Jisoo's mouth gaped open as she stared at Lisa with a look that could probably kill the taller girl. "Are you out of your goddamn mind?! Jennie is my best friend and I'm not gay!"

"Hey I had to kiss Chaeng and you don't see me bitching about heteronormativity" Lisa said pointedly.

"That's because you've had a crush on her since like sophomore year and you guys are probably still playing the game" Jisoo huffed.

"Well you got me on that one" Lisa chuckled. Ironically, Chaeng ran up to Lisa at that exact moment, giving her a quick peck on the lips before running away giggling. "I'LL FIND YOU LATER BITCH!"Lisa yelled down the hallway at her.

"See what I mean! You guys are finally acting on all that pent up frustration bullshit. It took you guys long enough" Jisoo said as she gestured to where Chaeng ran off.

"Like you and Jennie don't have any tension. I see you two staring at each other all the time" Lisa sased as she pointed two fingers between her own eyes and Jisoo's.

"Lisa, for the last time, I am straight and I don't like Jennie"

"Well it sucks to suck, you have to kiss her whether you like it or not" Lisa said as she walked off, blowing a kiss to Jisoo, who flipped her off angrily.

Which brought Jisoo here.

Jisoo recounted the day's events as she reached her best friend's door, knocking lightly. Jennie swung the door open almost immediately, greeting Jisoo with a wide smile.

"Hey Chu! What's up?"Jennie asked as she pulled Jisoo inside, shutting the door behind her.

"Where is everyone?"Jisoo asked as she looked around, trying to stall as long as possible.

"My parents are at a company dinner. Are you okay?"Jennie looked at the noticeably worried facial expression Jisoo wore, placing a small hand on her best friend's shoulder for comfort.

"I uh.. I just.."Jisoo spoke before sighing frustrated, running a hand through her dark locks.

"Jisoo you can tell me anything, okay? I promise."

"Please don't hate me" Jisoo whispered as she turned towards Jennie, looking right into her chocolate eyes.

"Jisoo I could never possibly ha-"Jennie's words were cut off by Jisoo's lips gently capturing her own.

Jennie, for her part, was absolutely ecstatic. She had been crushing on Jisoo for what felt like forever and never thought anything would become of them since Jisoo was straight, but it seemed something had changed. Jennie closed her eyes and began returning the kiss, losing herself in the moment.

All too soon, Jisoo pulled away, slowly looking up at Jennie, who looked just as shocked as she felt. Jennie was about to ask what the kiss was about when Jisoo whispered, "I'm sorry" and ran away from the brunette and farther into her house.

It hit Jennie then, what was happening. Jisoo finally got made to play the Kissing Game, and Jennie was nothing but a victim. It hurt like hell for a moment, honestly. Jennie just stood there, staring at where Jisoo had run off to, heartbroken. But then Jennie remembered she had to go find the brown eyed girl and kiss her back before the game was over. She decided that she was gonna give Jisoo the best damn kiss she's ever had, and if Jisoo didn't want her by the time this game was over she would give up on her entirely.

Back in Jennie's father's office, Jisoo was panting heavily in the supply closet. Partially due to running the entire house to hide, but mostly due to the severity of the situation. She and Jennie kissed and she liked it. 'Fuck fuck fuck I'm so fucking fucked,' Jisoo thought as she paced the length of the closet, grabbing at her hair anxiously. 'I can't feel like this, not towards my best friend, I'm straight can't feel like this.'

Jisoo heard the floor outside of the office door creak and she immediately stopped pacing and covered her mouth, praying her breathing wasn't loud enough to draw attention to herself. She listened as the door opened and heard the pattering of feet across the floor of the office. Jisoo noticed that Jennie hadn't turned the lights on, so she was hoping the darkness would hide her from her best friend.

Suddenly the door to the closet whipped open, and Jisoo looked up to see Jennie staring her down. Jisoo couldn't see much, but she could tell in the way that Jennie's shoulders bunched up and how hard she was gripping on the door handle, that she was pissed and Jisoo immediately hated herself for making Jennie mad.

"Jennie I swear to god I didn't- I-I mean it's all Lisa's-"

"Jisoo, shut the fuck up" Jennie commanded, effectively making Jisoo stop talking. Jisoo thought she fucked up their friendship for good until Jennie walked up to her, grabbed her by the nape of her neck, and pulled her in for a bruising kiss. Jisoo couldn't help but gasp at the dominance Jennie was displaying, which gave the brunette the perfect opportunity to the deepen the kiss. Jisoo released a loud moan as Jennie's tongue brushed against her own, grasping roughly at her hips as they made out. When Jisoo finally allowed herself to enjoy the kiss, Jennie pulled away completely, making Jisoo almost lose her balance. They stood there for a moment, facing each other and breathing heavily, until Jennie bit her lip and looked up at Jisoo through her eyelashes.

"My turn" she husked out, and before Jisoo could even think to respond, she was gone.

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