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Two weeks.

It had been two weeks since Jisoo had last spoken to Jennie. Like, actually spoken. Obviously at lunch they were civil with each other, but Jisoo couldn't bring herself to actually talk to the girl, no matter how hard she tried. She missed her best friend, but her confused feeling were making it hard for her to talk to her.

So she avoided her, settled for longing stares and half assed smiles. When the younger girl would try to talk to her, she would make up some bullshit excuse and leave before Jennie could say anything. Jisoo knows she's hurting Jennie, hell she knows she's hurting herself, but she couldn't let herself feel. She couldn't let her stomach lurch every time Jennie smiled at her, she couldn't let her heart flutter every time Jennie laughed, she couldn't let her body react at every little touch from Jennie. She just couldn't.

Instead of letting anyone know what she was feeling, Jisoo would lock herself in her room every day after school. She tried, God did she try, to not think about the things Jennie does to her, the way her hands felt against her skin, the way her lips felt against her own, the way their bodies seemed to be made for each other, but she did. And she ended up crying herself to sleep for fourteen days straight.

On the third week, Jisoo decided to try and fix the mess she's in. As she walked into school, her eyes set in determination to find the person she's looking for, who was thankfully standing at their locker. She marched up to them with a purpose, and leaned against the locker next to them.

"Hey Jin."

Kim Seokjin, campus fuckboy and an old friend of Jisoo's, turned towards the brown eyed girl and greeted her with a lopsided smile. "Hey Jisoo, what's up?"

Jisoo moved into his personal space, giving him a seductive look she knew could bring anyone to their knees, and spoke, "Is there any way you could come over after school and help me with Chemistry? I'm a little behind and I could use the help."

Jin caught on immediately, smirking down at the brown eyed girl, "Of course, does four good?"

"Perfect," she whispered, biting her bottom lip suggestively, before walking toward her first class of the day. Her thoughts were nagging her that none of this felt right, but she shoved them to the back of her mind before they made sense.


Jin arrived right on time, walking into the house with a smirk plastered on his face. He immediately moved closer to Jisoo, placing a hand on her cheek and rubbing it gently with his thumb.

"So, shall we start studying?" He asked with a cocked eyebrow.

Jisoo grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him in for a rough kiss. She couldn't stop herself from comparing Jin to Jennie. 'Her lips are softer, she's more gentle.'

Jin shoved his tongue into her mouth, making Jisoo almost grimace at the sloppiness of the kiss. None of this felt right, at all. His other hand came down and roughly groped at her breast, while Jisoo faked a moan to make him continue.

'What the fuck,' Jisoo thought, 'I'm straight, I'm straight, why do I hate this? What's wrong with me??'

Jin began to push her towards the couch as he unbuckled his pants and that was the last straw for Jisoo.

"Wait, Jin, stop."Jin stopped immediately.

"Shit, did I go too far?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"No no it's not you I just.." Jisoo trailed off, not knowing how to explain her situation to him.

"It's Jennie, isn't it?"

Jisoo's jaw slacked as she looked at him, her mouth opening and closing as she shook her head. "I-I don't.. I don't know what you're talking about," she stuttered as she began to panic.

"Jisoo, we might not be close anymore but you're still just as easy to read. Now tell me what's going on?" Jin asked as he put a hand on Jisoo's shoulder.

At the sincerity in his words, Jisoo lost it. She wrapped her arms around his waist and cried. Jin held her tightly as she sobbed into his chest, broken and incoherent words spewing from her mouth as she let out everything she had been forcing herself not to feel.

"It's okay, you know? To feel something different," Jin spoke as he rubbed her back, calling her down slightly. "I know you're probably scared because she's a girl and you've never felt like this before, but that's okay. What you're feeling is valid. You are valid."

Jisoo's cries had nearly subsided at Jin's words, registering what he had said to her.

"H-how did you know I-I have f-feelings for her?" Jisoo stuttered between heavy breaths.

"Your eyes give everything away," he chuckled. "You're always staring at her whether you realize it or not. And you always look sad when you look away."

"Am I really that obvious?" Jisoo pouted, making Jin laugh louder. "Sadly yes, but I don't think she's noticed."

Jisoo nodded, pulling away from Jin as she looked at him apologetically. "I'm sorry for, you know, trying to use you in an attempt to affirm my heterosexuality."

Jin just shook his head with a smile. "It's okay. I'm glad it was me instead of some other asshole who probably would've taken advantage of you."

Jisoo smiled at him and hugged him tightly. "Thank you for being so amazing."

"Of course. Now please, go get your girl."

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