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"Okay who the fuck do you think you are?!" Jisoo hollered as she walked into Jennie's house. She knew no one was home, else she wouldn't have been screaming profanities, but she was pissed.

"Excuse me?!" Jennie yelled from the kitchen, watching Jisoo stomp up to her.

"You think you can just fucking kiss me in the middle of the fucking hallway in front of half of our school?" Jisoo asked angrily.

"It's just a fucking game, Jisoo," Jennie rolled her eyes as she began to walk away, but Jisoo grabbed her wrist before she could.

"We played the fucking game already, you had absolutely no reason to kiss me again. Plus you know I'm straight and I hate the rumors of us dating, now it's just gonna make everything worse because you wanted to play some fucking game," Jisoo scolded her.

Jennie looked at her like she was crazy. "We played the game?!We had sex, Jisoo! That's not part of the fucking game!" Her chest was heaving from the sheer rage she was feeling.

Neither of them realized how close they had gotten while yelling at each other, and at this point their noses were almost touching.

"You shouldn't have fucking kissed me at school.""You shouldn't have had sex with me and pretended nothing happened," Jennie sassed back, her voice low and filled with animosity. "Plus, I didn't think a straight girl could enjoy getting fucked by a girl so much."

"I am straight," Jisoo stated, but her voice shook slightly as she finally realized how close they were.

"Prove it," Jennie whispered, her breath tickling Jisoo's lips.

They stood there for a moment, at each other's throats with their chests heaving from screaming at each other. Their stares could probably kill if they tried hard enough, shooting daggers at each other. Jisoo glared into Jennie's eyes, who glared just as hard back, as they waited to see who would back down first.

Neither of them backed down. Instead, they lunged at each other, grabbing at each other's bodies as they met in a hungry kiss. Nothing about their kiss was nice, it was all about aggression and anger and denial. Jisoo shoved her tongue into Jennie's mouth, making her best friend moan and suck on Jisoo's tongue harshly. Jisoo groaned into the kiss, pulling Jennie's hair, making her release a high pitched moan.

Clothes were thrown everywhere, they had no desire to take their time. No need to slowly undress when all Jisoo wanted was to take her confusion out on Jennie and all Jennie wanted was to prove a point to Jisoo.

"Jump," Jisoo practically growled into Jennie's mouth, grasping at the younger's thighs as they wrapped around her waist. Jisoo kissed her hungrily again, wiping all of the papers off of the kitchen countertop before setting her best friend on top of it.

"Is this what you want, huh?" Jisoo snarled, kissing and sucking with the intent of leaving marks down Jennie's neck. "You want me to fuck you again?"

"No, I-" Jennie cut herself off with a long moan, Jisoo's tongue swirling around her nipple. "I just want you to admit that you're not straight."

Jisoo stopped completely, and Jennie was sure she fucked up for good until Jisoo pulled her body off of the counter, spun her around, and bent her over so her chest was laying against the counter. Jennie moaned loudly at the cold stone pressed against her nipples and the dominance Jisoo was exuding.

"You think you can just tell me who I am?!" Jisoo screamed, pushing Jennie's face further into the countertop. "You don't know shit, Jennie!"

With that, Jisoo brought her hand down harshly against the skin of Jennie's ass. Jennie shrieked to cover up her moan, refusing to admit that she was getting extremely turned on. Jisoo brought her hand down again, "That's for assuming who I am!" Again. "That's for kissing me at school!" Again.

Jennie couldn't help the high pitched moans slipping from her mouth after each hit. Her ass burned but she wanted more, and it seemed Jisoo noticed this too. Jisoo pressed two fingers into Jennie's center only up to the knuckle, teasing her tortuously.

"Does somebody like being punished? Do you like it when I make you my bitch?" Jisoo husked out, kissing the stinging skin on Jennie's ass, making the girl beneath her keen into her touch.

"God yes, so fucking much," Jennie spoke between breaths, trying to rock her hips to get some kind of pleasure from the fingers that were barely inside her.

"You want me to fuck you like this, baby? Bent over the counter while I take you from behind?" Jisoo asked as she slowly pressed her fingers into Jennie more.

"Oh fuck yes God yes," Jennie moaned out, her pleasure increasing as Jisoo filled her.

"If you say so, baby." And Jisoo began pumping into Jennie slowly, curling her fingers with every stroke. After the fourth stroke, Jennie had finally adjusted and began moaning loudly. However, Jisoo pulled her fingers out abruptly, making Jennie groan at the loss of contact.

"Jisoo ple-oh fuck!" Jennie screamed as Jisoo brought her hand down on her ass again, massaging the tender flesh afterwards. Jennie could feel herself practically dripping down her own thighs, whimpering at the pain and pleasure she was experiencing. She groaned loudly when Jisoo entered her again, fucking her with the same slow strokes. When Jisoo felt the girl beneath her's walls fluttering, she pulled out again and spanked the girl below her harshly. It became a cycle, Jisoo fucking Jennie until she was so close it hurt, then pulling out and punishing her for what she did.

At this point, Jennie was nearly in tears from the pain of being spanked and from not being able to orgasm. She's never felt like this before, taken over by such an animalistic need to orgasm that she was willing to do anything to please Jisoo. It was scary yet thrilling at the same time and she wouldn't mind it happening again.

"Please please please let me come I'm so fucking close it hurts please!" Jennie begged.

"Do you think you fucking deserve to come?" Jisoo asked harshly, pulling at Jennie's nipples roughly. "You've been a bad girl, Jennie, and bad girls don't deserve rewards."

"Fuck fuck please I'll do anything! I can be a good girl I promise!" Jennie was practically screaming she needed to come so badly.

"Are you sure, baby? You look pretty bad to me, all bent over the counter, cum dripping down your legs, begging me to fuck you," Jisoo admired her best friend's body as she spoke.

"Please I'm a good girl I promise!" Jennie wailed, willing to do anything to make Jisoo fuck her.

"Good girl," Jisoo husked into her ear as she slammed three fingers into Jennie's dripping center, pumping them harshly into the girl and curling them with every stroke, while her other hand snaked around the younger's body and rubbed furiously at her clit.

Jennie was a moaning mess, thrusting her hips to meet Jisoo's aggressive pace. Profanities and incoherent words were tumbling out of her mouth like her life depended on it. After a particular thrust into her center, Jennie knew she was there.

"Chu I'm gonna- I-I-"

"Come for me like the good bitch you are."

Just like that, Jennie's jaw slacked open, a primal scream along with Jisoo's name tearing through her body as she came so hard, her arousal coated her thighs as well as Jisoo's and even the floor. Jisoo slowed down her strokes until she was sure the girl below her was spent, pulling her fingers out gently.

"Woah.. I squirted.." Jennie chuckled breathily.

"I-I'm sorry if I hurt you. I-I didn't..." Jisoo trailed off, the haze of anger finally dissipating as she looked down at her best friend.

"No, no.. No that was.. Amazing..." Jennie panted. "Next time though.. We need a safe word..."

"What if there isn't a next time?" Jisoo asked, trying to be tough but she just sounded torn and confused.

Jennie stood up, facing her best friend with an understanding look, and brought her in for a gentle kiss. "I'm always gonna be here for you, no matter what. If you ever decide that you're ready to deal with what you're feeling, it's your turn." And with that, Jennie grabbed her clothes and walked up the stairs to her room, leaving Jisoo vulnerable in the middle of the kitchen, and it wasn't because she was naked.

The Kissing Game (Jensoo)Where stories live. Discover now