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Jisoo was standing in the closet basically paralyzed, still staring at the spot where Jennie had stood probably two minutes prior. Jennie had kissed her with such passion and fire that Jisoo could still feel the tingle of her lips, the goosebumps on her skin, the haze of her mind. She shifted her feet awkwardly, trying to dispel the growing warmth she felt below her stomach, but she had no luck. After a moment of trying to calm down, Jisoo gave up with a loud groan, walking out the closet in a hurry.

As she padded through the house, her thought ran wild. 'Why did she kiss me so hard? Why did I like it? Should I go find her and kiss her back?? I thought I was straight??'

When she reached the living room, she heard a small thud from upstairs, making her chuckle. 'Leave it to Jennie to give up her hiding spot by falling.' Jisoo paced around the living room a few times, debating how she should proceed, before thinking, 'Fuck it, she wants to play this game then we're gonna play this fucking game,' and she tiptoed her way up the stairs. She guessed that the thump she heard came from Jennie's room so she headed in that direction first.

Nudging the door open gently, Jisoo peered her head in through the doorway and did a quick swipe of the room, noticing a pair of feet hiding beneath the curtains. Jisoo chuckled quietly at her best friend's inability to hide as she walked towards the curtain, gripping it and pulling it away dramatically to reveal the smaller girl.

What Jisoo was in no way prepared for was to pull the curtain and reveal Jennie standing there in nothing but matching black lacy underwear.

Jisoo stumbled backwards a little bit, gawking at her best friend. Jisoo had always known that Jennie was beautiful, anyone with eyes could see that. But seeing her standing in front of her, almost completely nude and exuding a confidence the brown eyed girl has never seen from her before, made Jisoo feel a lot of things she really should not feel right now towards her best friend.

"Well, you found me," Jennie basically sexed out. Jisoo had to stifle a groan, the tone in her best friend's voice basically dripping with desire. Jennie walked toward her slowly, adding an extra sway in her hips with every step. Jisoo didn't know where to look, honestly. She was caught between her best friend's long legs, her toned abdominal muscles, and her chocolate brown eyes that were almost swimming in want and lust.

Jisoo watched as Jennie stopped right in front of her, their faces mere inches apart. Jennie looked up at Jisoo through her eyelashes, her tongue darting out to wet her lips. Subconsciously, Jisoo bit her lip at the sight in front of her and she could physically feel all logical thoughts fly out the window.

"Your turn," Jennie whispered, her breath hitting Jisoo's lips due to their closeness.

Jisoo gave in at her words, bringing the brunette's body into hers as she kissed her roughly, tongues immediately clashing. Jisoo felt Jennie moan into the kiss and brought her hand up to grasp roughly at her best friend's hair, making her release a needy whine. Jennie's fingers moved to tease the skin at Jisoo's waist under her t-shirt, making a shiver run through the brown eyed girl's body.

"You're wearing too much," Jennie mumbled into the kiss as she pulled Jisoo's shirt above her head, the kiss only pausing so that Jennie could throw the shirt across her room. Jisoo immediately grasped at Jennie's neck, pulling her back into the kiss. Jisoo moaned loudly when she felt Jennie grope at her ass through her shorts, her head falling onto Jennie's shoulder. Jennie took this opportunity to bring her lips to Jisoo's neck, making her release a breathy whimper into the crook of the brunette's neck.

"God I've wanted this ass for too long," Jennie husked into Jisoo's ear, biting down on her earlobe. Jennie's fingers made quick work of the button on Jisoo's shorts, kneeling down to remove them hastily. Jennie sat back on her calves, observing the sight above her. Kim Jisoo, her best friend Kim Jisoo, was in front of her, wearing nothing but a matching pair of red underwear, with tousled hair and swollen lips, her chest heaving as she stared down at Jennie.

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