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The day after her encounter with Jin, Jisoo was walking through the halls of her school again as she made her way to fifth period. She still hadn't talked to Jennie yet, the prospect was making her way too nervous, but she knew she had to do it today or it would tear her to pieces. At lunch, however, Jisoo noticed her best friend refused to even look at her, and the one time she caught her gaze, Jennie rolled her eyes and looked away, confusing Jisoo even more. She knew she had been a dick these past two weeks, but Jennie never stopped being nice to her until now and she had no idea why.

As she made her way to class, she ran into Yeri. Just the sight of the girl made Jisoo grin. The shorter girl was made of sunshine and could make even a grumpy bear smile.

"Hey, Yeri," Jisoo greeted her with a wave.

"Hey Jisoo! How are you!" Yeri spoke excitedly as she pulled the brown eyed girl in for a hug.

"I've been better, but hopefully I'll be okay soon," she answered honestly.

Yeri gave her a sympathetic look before saying, "You can always come to me for anything, you know that right?"

"Of course I do, this is just something I have to do on my own," Jisoo sighed and Yeri nodded understandingly. As the shorter girl went to continue their conversation, her breath caught in her throat as a beautiful girl walked by. Jisoo followed her eyes to see the one and only Park Sooyoung walking by, and looked back to see Yeri completely dumbstruck.

"Still hopelessly pining after Joy, huh?" Jisoo asked gently.

"What? No! We're just friends, I'm not pining after her..." Yeri trailed off as she looked at the ground, toying with the hem of her shirt. Jisoo realized in that moment that she never actually finished the game, and decided this was the perfect moment to complete it.

"So you wouldn't mind if I dared you to kiss her then, would you?" Jisoo said mischievously. Yeri whipped her head up to meet Jisoo's eyes, her mouth wide open. "What on earth are you talking about, Jisoo?"

"I played the Kissing Game but never passed the torch, soooo I dare you, Kim Yerim.."

"No no no no please don't," Yeri mumbled.

"To kiss Park Sooyoung."

Yeri looked up to the sky and whispered, "Are you even up there?" before sighing and accepting her fate. Jisoo noticed the shorter girl's nerves growing and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Yeri, if she doesn't like you, then she doesn't deserve you. Anyone would be stupid not to love my favorite ball of sunshine," Jisoo spoke honestly, moving her hand to wrap her arm around the smaller girl's shoulder.

"Thank you Jisoo. I still hate you, but I love you."

Jisoo smiled as the warning bell rang. "Good luck, hun. If you'll excuse me, I have some business of my own to take care of," and with that Jisoo walked into her classroom.

Sitting down at her desk, Jisoo pulled out her phone to begin her plan. The teacher didn't do shit in this class anyways so he wouldn't notice her texting in the corner.

Chichu: Hey Jennie uh.. It's me. I was wondering if you could meet me at the park by our houses after school?

Nini: Sure.

Jisoo looked at the one word text confused. Jennie never texted her with just one word, let alone proper grammar and punctuation. Now she knew something was up, she just hoped she could fix it.


Sitting under a tree not too far from the fairly vacant park, Jisoo waited impatiently for Jennie to arrive. Her knee bounced as her anxiety took over, negative thoughts swimming through her brain, the most prominent being 'she gave up and now she hates you'. Finally after what felt like hours (which was really only twenty minutes), Jennie appeared, walking towards Jisoo at a steady pace. Jisoo scrambled to her feet, walking towards Jennie at a much more hurried speed.

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