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??? P.O.V

Few years ago..

"What brings you here, old friend?" Jun asked with that creepy smile he always had.

"I'm here for a drink." I simply said as I sat beside him waiting for the bartender to give me a glass of beer.

"Why don't you go to a Normal bar? This bar has things you don't want to see."

"I'm just staying in Korea for a while to look for my girl."

I chugged the beer and sighed.

"Man, You got to stop finding her. It's hopeless doing so because Korea is so big, she can be anywhere." He emphasize the word anywhere which made me think for a second.

What if I never find my girl ever?

"I'm not gonna lose hope. Not this time.. Not ever. "

I had such a determined look that it made this basterd scoff.

"Are you serious. You've been finding her for years and all you say are those words when you're about to give up."

He rolled his eyes at me and sighed.

"Why am I still your friend? You irritate me so much with your 'determination' . This bull crap of yours will continue until you die. "

He slowly stood up and stretched his stiff body.

"Good luck with your shitty goal." He patted my back and went out for a smoke.

Suddenly a particular person I see in a werid dress, was cleaning up the place with dead eyes that shows he really didn't want to be here anymore..

I slowly approached this person and poked the person's shoulder.

"E-excuse me but.. May I ask who you are? "

I didn't know why I asked him this question and yes it was a boy.

I could tell by looking at him.

"I'm.. Jimin." He avoided my eyes and stared at the ground.

"Jimin-ssi.. Your father owns this place right?" I asked, he did resemble some of his features.

"...yes.?" His voice indicated that he was a little werided out.

"Does your father think that this is a Joke?" I said in amusement.

"..hm.. I don't know..?" He hesitantly said.

"I mean.. Why would he dress his son to be a girl? Is he crazy? Wait.. He is." I kind of answered my own question but I didn't care.

"I'm a.. Girl to people here." His eyes started making tears.

"Oh no no no no no! Don't cry.." I hushed him.

"How can I not cry? This place is horrible." He cried some more.

I didn't know that he could be this cruel . Other than the fact that he killed this poor boy's mother.

He's a psychopath.

Out of instincts, I hugged him.

I didn't care about the looks the other guys was giving us.

This poor boy...

I must find justice for him.

"Jimin-ssi. I'll help you. I'll make them guilty for what they did and I will do whatever it takes to get you out, Okay? I promise." I took out my pinky finger.

He slowly but hesitantly put up his pinky and wrapped it around mine.

"For now just undure it. I'll help you."

The boy smiled and said..

"...thank you..ajussi."



"Eunha.. My sweet daughter.."

At that moment, we instantly hugged each other so tight I didn't want to let go of my baby.

"..Appa.. You're.. Suffocating... Me!"

"Oops... Sorry I got to engrossed in hugging you." I smiled sheepishly.

"And is this your-" I stopped talking and looked at him.

Is my eyes spoiled?

Is that who I think it is??

"...Jimin?" I muttered.

".. Ajussi?" His eyes widened at the sudden realisation.

"But how.?" I still can't believe my eyes.

"Huh..You know each other?" Eunha asked in confusion.


Jimin P.O.V

"I-I.. I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was out.. I kind of forgotten about how you wanted to help me.." I said in a guilty manner.

"It's okay, Jimin. I'm just happy that you're out. " He smiled warmly at me.

"So let me get this straight, Appa you were Jimin's father's friend. And he kind of sucks so.. You wanted to get Jimin out but he wasn't there so you called the police.. So that's why Jackson came to us to apologize.?" Eunha recapped to understand the situation better.

Sort of..

"So you kind of get it right?" Eunha's father wanted to confirm if she understood.

"Eh... No.." She scratched her head and sheepishly smiled.

"hm.. I would like to ask how Jimin was able to get out.. You were there right?"

"It's actually a pretty long story.." She uncomfortably shifted in her chair.

"I'll tell the story." I suddenly said.

"What! No no no, Jimin, wouldn't you be uncomfortable? I'll tell it instead." She whispered to me.

"No. I'm fine."

I took a deep breath.

"While I was still there.. A random person came up to me and asked if I could talk with them. I hesitated at first but their words convinced me-"

"Jimin. Aren't I the 'random person'? Just say it was me." Eunha cut me off.

"I was trying to make it nice.." I flushed.

"Oops.. Ah.. Continue then." Eunha sheepishly smiled.

"So their- her words convinced me. So she told me that she would get me out. And she did by throwing a stick and fighting 17 people."

"Fighting 17 people!? That's impossible for one person! Especially if that someone's a girl." Ajussi said in amazement and shock.

"Don't underestimate a girl, Appa. That's what I hate about this neighbourhood. Stupid people would harrass girls because their physically weak. I hate this type of people."

She kind of threatened him..

"How Did my sweet daughter become so strong and scary? Appa is scared now. " He acted scared.

I laughed at his poor acting and so did Eunha.



this flat girl is back after doing nothing.


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