28. (ending) Pt 3

19 2 17

Stalker P.O.V

As Eunha continued being in a coma for about 5 months.

Jimin had worked hard to help her keep her house as the bill went up.

Luckyly for Eunha, the guy who had accidently hit her with his car apologized by paying for her hospital bills.

Appreantly because of this incident, Mina became good friends with this stranger.

They became so close that it made Jungkook a little jealous and very worried.

He was worried that he would steal his future wifeu ;))

Jin continued to stay with the boys as their so called 'chef' even though he was unemployed.

Namjoon had to move somewhere else so that it was more convenient for him to work better with more artists.

Hoseok decided to focus on work even more so he had to move somewhere nearer to his dance studio.

The 94 liners have similar reasons to move.

Yoongi continued to work with artist from their house as he slept alot and really didn't want to go out often.

Jungkook continued working but he wasn't really handling it that well because Eunha wasn't there to help him.

Eunha's father had retired from his job to take care of Eunha as he knew that Jimin had to work and didn't have much time to take care of her.

You may have forgotten about Jackson and his gang.

But if you still remember, their doing well in the jail actually. They have improved in character and Jimin's father had gone back to his own self.

Not quite but he manged to get back.

If you may not have heard about this, people who has killed someone will feel alot less guilty when they kill another person.

But his time in jail had helped him be a little more humane.


Jimin P.O.V

"I'm sorry but for the last time, I said no." I said with a straight face.

"Jimin-ssi!! For 4 months I have been chasing you and you still don't have feelings for me??? Am I not beautiful enough? Do you really not want my money? Please be with me!!! " She begged while crying.

"I SAID NO!" I screamed in her face.

"Why are you so mean?! " She stood up and left the place.

"Having a rough time with ms spoiled brat?" Mina asked as she sat beside me.

"Doesn't she understand the meaning of rejection?" I frustratedly said.

"She is really one heck of a rich girl, Huh." Ji-an joined our conversation.

"Tell me about it." I rolled my eyes.

"You really shouldn't have helped her 4 months ago." Taehyung implied.

"I know! You don't have to rub it in my face.."

"Geez man. You've been working too hard! Go get a vacation or something."

"I can't and I won't." I firmly said.

"I'll just ask Mr Jeon to help you pay the bills. It's not a problem. "

"Don't ask him.. He isn't doing well with his job. Aren't you his girlfriend? You should know."

"He barely even realises I'm in the same room as him now a days.." She sighed heavily.

"Jungkook is having a rough time now you should help him." Ji-an adviced.

"I'm getting more fond of Jihyung."

"Yah. Don't go crazy and cheat on him just because he isn't doing financially well. It's not a nice thing to do. " Taehyung stated.

"I'm kidding!! Geez guys! Do you really think I would do that? I'm offended." She acted offended as if we actually said something so wrong.

"Isn't all of you done with work? Why are y'all still doing here? " I changed the subject.

"We saw you with Barbie so we stayed to cheer you up."

"Gee thanks.." I rolled my eyes and laid my head on the table.

"You're as grumpy as Suga hyung when he doesn't get his sleep. But not as bad."

"Arh!  I'm tired of this!! Taepyonim!! We're gonna bring Jimin some where, okay?" Ji-an shouted at the direction of the kitchen.

"Sure! " He shouted back.

"Wait what-" Before I could finish my sentence I was already being carried by Taehyung.

"Yah! Since when did you have the strength!!" I kept hitting his back.

"Where are you taking me!!"


"Hey Ajussi! How have you been?" Mina asked brightly.

"I'm fine." He smiled sadly.

"You can put me down now." I said.

"Oh, right." He sheepishly smiled.

"I felt like I haven't seen her in ages!" Ji-an went up to Eunha.

"How are you Chingu?? Are you doing well??" She asked as if she's gonna reply.

"Don't ask. She won't answer anyway."

"Yah! Where's your hope man? She'll wake up and tell me."

"Not now she won't." I muttered.

I sat down on the couch and laid down on my back.

I closed my eyes and thought of how she's gonna react when I see her.

Would she forget me?

A single tear could be felt flowing down my cheek.

"Jimin-ssi. She'll remember you. You mean so much to her of course she would remember." I could hear Tae sitting next to me.

I immediately sat back up and looked at him.

"How did you know what I was thinking? I didn't even say it out loud."

"95 liner telepathy." He smiled with his signature rectangle shaped smile.

"You're so werid." I chuckled.

"You too." He pouted.

"Why? "

"Your girlfriend is Eunha." He bluntly said.

"Yah!! You!" I chased him at our the room.


"Sorry.." We guiltyly smiled.

Ajussi turned back to check on Eunha while we went back to sitting on the couch.

"Kids!! See this!!" He shouted excitedly.

"What is it? "

We went to see Eunha and her finger was moving!!!

"Eunha!! Can you hear me??  You're gonna wake up soon right???" I asked excitedly.

I grabbed her hand and unknowingly my joyful tears came out.

"I'm so happy... You're gonna come back to me."


End of Pt 3

In case you were wondering why there were so many parts.

It's because of cypher.

The Pt thing gave me inspiration.


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