Part 18

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Sean crawled over Mark to open the door for Robin. Except the second he put his feet down, he went down like his legs didn't have the strength to hold him up. Panic flooded Sean as he winced and told Mark terrified. "I can't stand up!" Mark unlocked the shackle holding his wrist to the headboard, mumbling out almost under his breath. "Ya... About that..." Sean glanced up at Mark with curious eyes. Did he know something that he didn't? Mark swung his legs off the bed, starting to gather up their clothes off the floor. Mark tossed his at him, telling him seriously. "Get dressed. Now." Sean shifted from all fours to sitting as he sorted out his clothing. Choosing to put his pants on first like Mark was, before he asked him nervously. "Mark... What happened last night?" Mark's hand hesitated to holster his pistol for a moment, then he answered bluntly. "Nothing." 

Mark grabbed his black leather hat off the wall and opened the door without a second thought. Sean's eyes widened at the look of Robin. His clothes were soaked and his reddish brown hair was standing out in all directions. The most noticeable thing was the snow on Robin's shoulders as he shivered. Mark took a handful of snow off Robin's shoulder and Robin gave him an uneasy nod. Sean bit his lip anxiously. What had he done? His head was pounding like a drum and his mind was a blank. Mark stormed past Robin to head out. Sean slowly rose to sit on the edge of the bed with a soft groan. Why was his lower back in so much pain? Robin moved into the cabin, chattering out. "You al-r-r-right?" Sean raised a hand to touch Robin's chest, causing a burst of fog and steam to fill the room. Robin jumped back in surprise with a loud yelp... but he was dry now.

Robin looked himself over for a moment. The look of amazement on his face at how quickly he had dried him off. It wasn't anything new to Sean. He had done that thousands of times in order to get it right. His Elder Gam teacher would be proud though. He managed to dry off clothes this time. Normally, the clothes caught fire from too much heated influence. His head must have hurt to much for him to overthink it and screw it up. Raising a hand to hold his aching head, he groaned out to Robin. "My head is killing me... Did I get into a fight last night?" Robin moved closer to tilt his head back as he looked closely at his eyes. After a minute, Robin shook his head, casually replying. "No. Everyone got a big kick out of seeing what you could do... Although, they are paying for that now. You've just got a hangover." Sean closed his eyes, then quickly opened them again because the room started to spin. Wincing in agony, he asked him curiously. "What's a hangover? And how do I make it go away..."

Robin chuckled very softly, walking over to grab a waterskin that was hanging on the wall. Handing it over to him, Robin told him sweetly. "It's what happens when you drink your weight in rum. You get bad headaches and you'll be lightheaded enough that the world spins. Here. Drink plenty of water. It's the only cure. If you think you're going to throw up... Do it overboard." Sean tilted the waterskin back, drinking down the water in large gulps. He couldn't believe how dehydrated he felt. Robin suddenly pulled Sean's open shirt away to show off more of his chest. The gesture made Sean stop drinking to take in Robin's troubled expression. Glancing down at his chest, he saw the reason for concern. His chest was covered in small red spots. Jerking his head up, he grabbed Robin's shoulders, asking a little scared. "Robin? Am I sick?" Robin pressed a finger to one of the spots, calmly asking. "Does it hurt?" Sean shook his head. He didn't feel anything... was that worse?

Robin smirked just a little, removing his hand as he answered. "Well, if they don't hurt... There probably..." Robin turned away with a small blush, finishing off in an undertone. "Love bites." Sean ran a hand down his chest to feel them, while he mumbled out. "Love bites? What kind of animal leaves these?" Robin snorted, reaching out to help him up onto his feet. Sean took his hand, stumbling into Robin as his lower back and legs gave out. He apologized to Robin, but Robin only seemed to nod with a strange expression between knowing something and suppressing a smirk. Helping Sean finish dressing, he finally answered his question with a simple. "The only creature on this earth that leaves mark's like that... Is human." Robin flashed him a small grin, before rushing out the door. Sean adjusted the belt on his shoulder, about to follow him out, when he stopped to look at the bed. Did Mark leave the bites? He couldn't imagine why he'd do it though.

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