Part 80

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Sean gripped his trident tighter, yelling out in a broken voice over the rushing water and rainstorm. "KAI!" Kai didn't hear him. Folding his wings, Kai crawled over Granny's limp shrinking body. Lowering his head toward her throat, Kai opened his mouth to reveal sharp teeth that practically glowed in the grey storm lighting. Raising his trident, Sean shot a bolt of lightning at Kai's neck. The bolt struck Kai, staggering him away from Granny's normal sized body as he shook off the ripples of electricity. Kai's eyes turned a bright solid blue, letting out a snarl as he turned to face him. Sean felt tears brim his eyes as he yelled out at him. "WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Kai limped across the glacier, his wings rising as his body arched up aggressively. Kai was wounded but still had plenty of fight left in him! Sean braced himself in the water for Kai to charge at him, when Hector launched from the water going straight for Kai's throat. Kai jerked away seconds before Hector's sharp teeth reached his neck. Spinning quickly, Kai's tail swatted Hector back into the water with a hard splash. Kai then finished turning around to face him again, yelling out over the raging storm. "COME AND GET ME! IF YOU CAN, YOUR HIGHNESS!"

Kai lifted his head to let out a screech that made all the Sirens and Merfolk flinch. Sean shook off the sound, darting through the water to reach him. Kai was ready for him, until he yelped and fell to his side in pain. Sean slowed to see a massive body of water in the shape of a Leviathan rise seamlessly out of the water like a massive wave! The water Leviathan's glowing white eyes blazed like stars as Oceanus's deep voice roared out. "POSEIDON! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Sean felt the air leave his lungs as he turned to see Poseidon on Tethys's massive head. Poseidon had been impaled in the side by a spike from one of her antlers. Without listening to Oceanus, Poseidon responded to her attack by stomping on her head and snapping the antler off her head! The crack of the antler sounded like the cracking of bone, causing Tethys to let out a pained scream that became muffled by the ocean water as Poseidon shoved her under. Sean was about to engage Kai again, when Mark burst from the water to bite Poseidon's shoulder!

Mark dug his claws into Poseidon's exposed flesh, causing both Kai and Oceanus to yelp in agony. Poseidon yanked the antler free of his side, snatching Mark's smaller neck by the throat, before impaling Mark in the shoulder! Sean felt the pain flare up his shoulder and screamed. Mark's whimpering cry was painful to the ears of all those around him from the sheer pitch of it. Poseidon tossed Mark farther out into the ocean, trying to return to fighting Tethys... Only to have Oceanus burst up from the water to tackle him off her! Sean rubbed his shoulder, looking back at Kai. Kai was laying limply across the glacier, letting out soft whimpers. Glancing around at the battlefield, Sean couldn't believe this chaos. Mark's ship was barely able to stay afloat with the wild waves full of aggressive Sirens. Some Merfolk were trying to help, but... the Sirens were getting the upper hand. Unlike the Merfolk, the Sirens had been preying on people in the water for years. While the Merfolk were a little out of practice against their aggression.

Watching the carnage, Sean swam up to the glacier and snapped out at Kai's bleeding face. "KAI, STOP THIS! You can control them!" Kai's whimpering turned into a soft snarl before he snapped aggressively at Sean. Sean easily avoided the bite by backing away from the glacier but moved back in to angrily tell him. "Look around you, Kai! We're killing each other!" Kai sat up, snarling out in a bitter rage. "NO! WE'RE KILLING YOUR KIND!" Kai swatted Sean across the face with his claws, sending Sean back into the water. Sean sank beneath the surface, letting the water heal the deep stinging wounds across his shoulder and neck. When he slowly breached the surface, Kai had staggered to his feet and let out a roar that made his teal scales ripple with red glints. Kai's eyes turned a bloodred, his claws digging into the glacier aggressive. Kai was letting his bloodlust set it. Sean raised his trident toward Kai but became overwhelmed by a swarm of Sirens that descended on him! The Sirens clawed and bit into his flesh, dragging him under the surface.

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