Part 82

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Sean smacked the railing of the ship in frustration. Kai was dangerous and yet Oceanus was saving him?! That didn't seem fair! From the deck, a group of Mermen shouted out over the storm. "LOOK OUT!" Sean turned as four merfolk launched from the water and curled themselves up into tight armored balls. The energy cannons hit them, but the blast didn't even scratch their armor or even slow them down. Allowing them to slam into the front of the ship to take out the swivel cannons! Rolling around the ship, they headed for the other cannons. Slipping the Sea Crown around his neck, Sean hefted his trident and yelled out to the Merfolk. "Keep them from the cannons!" The Merfolk that weren't too injured grabbed their tridents and ran to defend the cannons. The Armored Sirens rolled around the ship to run over the Merfolk, before uncoiling over them to attack. Sean zapped one trying to rip the throat out of a Mermaid, then rushed to a cannon. An Armored Siren was balled up in front of it, trying to get the thing to backfire and explode.

While the other tridents couldn't break the shell armor of the Sirens, Sean's metal trident broke through easily. The Armored Siren screeched at him, uncurling so quickly that its long tail tried to swipe Sean's feet out from under him. Sean jumped over it though and struck the Armored face of the Siren. The Armored Siren fled from him by curling back up and rolling away. As two of them rolled toward him to try running him down, Sean swung his trident over his head and formed a watery illusion around him of a human sized Sea Otter. The Armored Sirens split up to roll away from him. Swinging his trident out, he lashed the two off the ship with a whip of water. From the water, a flying Siren burst from the water to fire an arrow that missed Sean's cheek by inches due to his illusion. The cannon shot down the flying Siren, but more were starting to fire upon the ship. Sean ended his illusion and spun his trident to block a few sea glass arrows as they were shot at him.

Striking his trident to the deck, he watched watery shark fins raise from the water to circle the ship. The watery illusion sharks were massive and snapped aggressively at Sirens that got too close. While allowing Merfolk to flee into them in order to get to the ship. Panting a little, Sean yelled out. "NATE?! Hurry up!" Nate staggered out of the cabin with a wrapped bundle in his arms, shouting back. "I'm trying! If it were easy to get to, it wouldn't be hidden!" The merfolk on the ship moved to the sides to help defend it and pulled more injured merfolk onto the deck. To his surprise, one was Granny. Her illusion was gone, and she was bleeding from her side, but she was hanging in there. Sean started to run for her, but Nate grabbed his arm to stop him. Giving him a stern look, Nate told him seriously. "You can't help them! We have to deal with THEM first!" Sean looked to where Nate was pointing. Oceanus and Poseidon were fighting now. Beating on each other with fists that only caused more damage to the both of them. Mark's mother was nowhere in sight. While Kai got a sucker punch off on Mark in the air.

As Mark fell into the water, Kai let out a roar and the sirens massed on Mark! Both Nate and Sean dropped to a knee as pain shot through them. Mark's distressed wailing and cries of pain filled the air, before a much deeper roar rumbled from below the surface. Nate jerked his head up, yelling out as loud as he could. "BRACE YOURSELVES!" Merfolk and humans grabbed whatever they could as a geyser of steamed water shot up from around Mark! The geyser was so strong that the ship jerked violently away from the blast. From the geyser, Sean saw the massive jaws of Tethys's grab Mark as she burst up from the water and into the sky! Mark looked so small in her mouth that it was frightening. Mark was bleeding and laying limp in her mouth as she rose quickly. She had just got out of the water when Poseidon jumped out to snatch her tail! Grabbing her tail, he yanked her down as he crashed down into the water. Tethys yelped, freefalling back to the water. Her chest hitting the side of the glacier, causing her to spew Mark across it before the glacier broke and she sank back beneath the waves.

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