Part 78

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Sean watched Mark back away from both of them. Mark looked torn between fear and concern. Scoffing loudly, Mark shot back sternly. "Is this some sick joke? Cause I'm not laughing. You honestly think that I wouldn't feel something like that in me?!" Sean looked to Oceanus, who casually informed Mark. "We're not talking about some normal rock that is sitting in your gut. We're talking about a jewel that 'I' made. Its magical properties surpass anything the moonstones can attest to." Sean instinctively reached for his moonstone, asking Oceanus in a soft voice. "The moonstones... They were made to mimic the Sea Crown?" Oceanus gave Sean a swift nod, regaling reluctantly. "Athena took interest in it while it was in Io's care. It's what led Zeus to discover what it was for. Athena hoped to learn all that it could do and why... While Zeus only desired the power that he could wield with it. However, it can only be used by a titan... Otherwise, it's just a cursed jewel."

Sean wrapped his fingers tightly around his moonstone, mumbling out. "A cursed jewel?" Oceanus chuckled to himself, answering lightly. "Yes. I made the jewel to be worn by only one woman. Her daughters being an exception. If worn by anyone else is causes them great misfortune and even death." Mark huffed darkly, crossing his arms over his chest as he growled out. "Are you saying that all this bad luck that I've suffered through my whole life was because of a fucking jewel you made!" Oceanus crossed his own arms over his chest, retorting unabashed. "It wasn't desired for a man... So yes. Although, because you share her blood, it has protected you from those same misfortunes." Mark frowned, clenching his jaw and avoided looking in their direction. For a minute, Sean thought about and said aloud to himself. "The strength of Nate's curse?" Mark snorted doubt, but Oceanus stated out coolly. "Long before that. I always thought that the trauma from the accident had caused Mark to fear the ocean. Which in turn, suppressed his powers... I was so wrong."

Oceanus stepped closer to Mark, continuing in a gently tone. "You were using the stone without knowing it. Your fear of the water caused the stone to suppress your gifts. Everything that you are. She can feel you through that stone... and its her that is trying to force your ascension." Mark put a hand to his gut, mumbling out in a shaky voice. "What...?" Oceanus sighed heavily, before answering him honestly. "Your mother's Yeouiju Pearl. Like the moonstones, it is the source of her power... but so much more. My mother Gaia made her with two hearts. One that keeps her alive and one that was given to me to care for." Oceanus lowered his eyes like the memory was painful, upon saying aloud. "With her heart, I made her mine... but I didn't want a woman that was controlled. I wanted her to be free... So, I formed her heart into the Sea Crown and gave it back to her. When I did... She loved me even more." Inhaling deeply, Oceanus locked eyes with Mark, telling him seriously. "Inside you is her second heart. The one I formed for her and caused her to ascend into the dragon she is now. And through its connection with her... she feels you."

Mark shook his head, snapping out. "I don't care. You're not cutting me open to get it." Oceanus lifted his chin, locking cold eyes on Mark, when he said icily. "You think you have the power to stop me. Because you don't. Despite contrary belief... Being a half-breed doesn't make you stronger than me." Mark took a defensive stance, sternly replying. "Do I mean so little to you now? You'd kill your only son to save her?!" Oceanus tensed, his knuckles cracking as he formed fists at his sides and yelling through clenched teeth. "I didn't say that! But I won't let her be used like this anymore! So, if you make me chose... You will lose." Mark gawked at Oceanus, clearly hurt by his words." After seeing Mark's face fall, Oceanus's face twisted with regret. Taking a step back, Oceanus relaxed enough to add softly under his breath. "You don't understand how alone I feel... I'm the last of a dying race... And my paramours are the only ones that care if I live or die." Mark stepped closer to Oceanus, yelling back to him sourly. "What about ME?! What about Bethany?!"

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